File #: R-7-25    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Second Reader
File created: 1/28/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/24/2025 Final action:
Title: Itinerant Merchant Sales in the Historic District During Calendar Year 2025 For the purpose of authorizing hawker, peddler, and itinerant merchant sales in the Historic District in conjunction with certain special events during calendar year 2025.
Sponsors: Harry Huntley
Indexes: Finance Committee
Attachments: 1. R-7-25 First Reader, 2. R-7-25 Staffing Impact Report, 3. R-7-25 Staff Report, 4. R-7-25 Fiscal Impact Note, 5. R-7-25 Amendment 1 - Huntley (Finance Committee)

Itinerant Merchant Sales in the Historic District During Calendar Year 2025

For the purpose of authorizing hawker, peddler, and itinerant merchant sales in the Historic District in conjunction with certain special events during calendar year 2025.


City of Annapolis

Resolution 7-25


Introduced by: Alderman Huntley


Referred to: Finance Committee

A RESOLUTION concerning

Itinerant Merchant Sales in the Historic District During Calendar Year 2025

FOR                     the purpose of authorizing hawker, peddler, and itinerant merchant sales in the Historic District as part of certain special events during calendar year 2025.

WHEREAS,                     Title 7 § 40.090 of the City Code allows itinerant merchant sales as part of a special event that is organized by a business association that has a principal place of business within the City of Annapolis that represents commercial enterprises in the immediate area of the proposed operation; and

WHEREAS,                     Certain special events proposed for the Historic District are not organized by local business associations that have requested itinerant merchant sales; and

WHEREAS,                     Title 7 § 40.090(H) of the City Code allows the City Council to designate certain dates and times on which hawkers, peddlers and itinerant merchants may sell in the Historic District as part of certain special events.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that sales of merchandise in the Historic District are allowed in conjunction with the following special events and the geographic location of these special events in 2025:
                     Shamrock the Dock in Susan Campbell Park - March

African Diaspora Festival on Calvert Street - April/May

Flower Mart in Hopkins Plaza - April

Dueling Brushes in Susan Campbell Park - June

City Dock Tango in Susan Campbell Park - Second Fridays in June through October

Summer Concert Series/MC3 Contemporary Dance in Susan Campbell Park - Sundays in June through October

City Dock Salsa in Susan Campbell Park - one Sunday per month in June through September

Youth Entrepreneurship Fair in Susan Campbell Park - Date TBD

Annapolis Songwriters Festival in Susan Campbell Park - September

Tug of War across Spa Creek from Susan Campbell Park to Eastport - November

Holiday Market in Susan Campbell Park -  December

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that this resolution shall take effect on the date of its passage.