Special Event Rules - For the purpose of adopting special event rules pursuant to Chapter 14.18 of the City Code on special events in pending Ordinance 16-14.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 19-14
Introduced by: Alderman Budge and Alderman Arnett
Referred to
Rules and City Government
Economic Matters
A RESOLUTION concerning
Special Event Rules
FOR the purpose of adopting special event rules pursuant to Chapter 14.18 of the City Code on special events in pending Ordinance 16-14.
WHEREAS, pending Ordinance 16-14 is a comprehensive overhaul of the City Code related to special events; and
WHEREAS, pending Ordinance 16-14 authorizes special event rules by Resolution of the City Council.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the special event Rules are as follows:
I. Introduction
The purpose and intent of the Special Event Rules are to be a supporting document for the City Code's authorization and regulation of special events in the City of Annapolis, and to limit the type and frequency of events in the area of City Dock. These Special Event Rules serve to implement Chapter 14.18 of the City Code on special events in Ordinance 16-14.
The City Council finds that it is in the public interest to regulate events on public streets, alleys, rights of way, City Waters, or other public property and, under certain circumstances, events held on private property in order to maintain, protect, and promote the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens, residents, and visitors of the City of Annapolis.
Under certain conditions and by weighing the impact of events on City facilities, City resources, resident quality of life, and normal business operations, a proposed special event may be subject to additional considerations as reasonable and appropriate to reduce the impact of the proposed special event, including but not limited to, processing requirements, permitting conditions, and notifications to the public.
II. Rules Implementing Chapter 14.18 of the City Code
14.18.060 - Permit Application
A. The application shall list, as appropriate:
1. Sponsoring entity or individual, naming the responsible party and providing contact information before, during, and after the proposed special event.
2. Corporate or other organizational status of the sponsoring entity including, if applicable, the charitable designation of the entity and documentation thereof.
3. Intent to utilize or have on-site vendors, temporary structures, serving or selling of alcoholic beverages, and other such information to determine if other City or County permitting or inspections are required.
4. Proposed road or sidewalk closures, reserved use of City parking, docking or mooring, and other information to determine if use of City services or City facilities are requested or required.
5. A site plan reflecting all features and uses of City property or a written statement of the equivalent.
6. Toilet facilities corresponding to intended crowd size, including ADA compliance.
7. Refuse and recycling plans, including plans for collection and disposal. The refuse plan must include an equal number of trash and recycling receptacles, placed together, available throughout the event and the collection and removal of the same recyclable materials collected by City of Annapolis curbside recycling.
8. Parking, transportation, and security plans for attendees, participants, and spectators of the special event.
9. Conditions that may require additional permitting by the City, County, State, or Federal Government and reference to any such necessary permits.
10. Other information that the Special Events Coordinator deems necessary to evaluate an application.
11. A guarantee of compliance with the City's admissions and amusement tax.
B. Special event applications may be filed up to one year in advance of the proposed event date and no later than the dates prior to the proposed event date, as indicated below:
1. Major City Dock Event: 180 days.
2. Special Events requiring legislation: 150 days.
3. Major Special Event: 120 days.
4. Special Events requiring Coast Guard Approval: 120 days.
5. Special events that will use temporary structures, serve alcohol, or close two or more blocks for more than 30 minutes: 60 days.
6. Commercial film or photographic event using temporary structures or requiring road closure or traffic control: seven days (subject to the availability of Police personnel and permitting review and/or approval).
7. Commercial film or photographic event not requiring road closure or traffic control: 4 working days.
8. Other special events: 30 days.
14.18.070 - Permit Approval
In deciding whether to approve, approve with conditions, or deny an application for a special event permit, the Special Events Coordinator shall determine whether:
1. The applicant has provided sufficient information, including, but not limited to, the event's location, route plan, and scheduling in a timely manner to evaluate the special event application and make a determination.
2. The applicant can meet all requirements or any other conditions imposed by the Special Event Coordinator.
3. The applicant has paid all City invoices for reimbursement of City costs in a timely manner.
4. The proposed special event can function safely.
5. The use of police and fire resources to support the proposed special event would impede reasonable police and fire protection in the City generally.
6. There is an adequate plan for security, sanitation, waste collection, recycling, traffic control, and parking management.
7. The Police Department and/or Harbormaster have approved proposed closures of City streets or City Waters.
8. The proposed special event would serve the public interest or a significant part of the public through cultural enrichment, or by creating and promoting economic vitality, or enhancing community identity and pride.
9. The proposed special event, and the cumulative impact of special events at the requested location, would substantially disrupt regular business, unduly disturb local residents, or curtail long-range community economic interests.
10. The proposed special event would cause irreconcilable interference with previously approved and/or scheduled construction, maintenance, another special event, or other activity or activities.
11. The proposed special event would be detrimental to the health or safety of the public.
12. The proposed special event would satisfy any other criteria prescribed by law or rules.
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that this resolution shall be effective upon the same date of adoption as pending Ordinance 16-14.
CAPITAL LETTERS indicate matter added to existing law.
Strikethrough indicates matter stricken from existing law.
Underlining indicates amendments.