File #: O-27-18    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Adopted
File created: 6/8/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/19/2018 Final action: 11/19/2018
Title: Forest Conservation - No Net Loss - For the purpose of amending the Code of the City of Annapolis concerning reforestation and other forest conservation measures to maintain the City's current tree canopy percentage.
Sponsors: Rob Savidge, Ross Arnett, Elly Tierney, Marc Rodriguez, Fred Paone, Shaneka Henson
Indexes: Environmental Matters Committee, Planning Commission, Rules and City Government Committee
Attachments: 1. O-27-18 Forest Conservation No Net Loss.pdf, 2. O-27-18 PZ memo to PC.pdf, 3. O-27-18 PC Findings and Recommendations.pdf, 4. O-27-18 SR and FIN 10,5,18.pdf, 5. FCA Planting Report, 6. O-27-18 Finlayson Proposed Amendments.pdf, 7. O-27-18 Pindell Charles and Savidge Proposed Amendment.pdf, 8. O-27-18 Savidge and Rodriguez Proposed Amendments.pdf, 9. O-27-18 Tierney Proposed Amendments.pdf, 10. O-27-18 SIGNED.pdf
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
11/19/20181 City Council adopt on second readerPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/19/20181 City Council postponeFail Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/19/20181 City Council amendedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/19/20181 City Council amendedFail Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/19/20181 City Council amendedFail Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/19/20181 City Council amendedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/19/20181 City Council amendedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/19/20181 City Council adopt as amendedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/19/20181 City Council amendedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/19/20181 City Council adopt on third readerPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
11/13/20181 Rules & City Government Committee recommend favorablyPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
10/17/20181 Environmental Matters Committee recommend favorablyPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
10/8/20181 City Council declare the public hearing closed  Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/18/20181 City Council adopt on first readerPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20181 City Council refer to Annapolis Education Commission  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20181 City Council refer to Annapolis Education CommissionPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20181 City Council refer to Annapolis Education Commission  Action details Meeting details Not available
Forest Conservation - No Net Loss - For the purpose of amending the Code of the City of Annapolis concerning reforestation and other forest conservation measures to maintain the City's current tree canopy percentage.
City of Annapolis

Ordinance 27-18

Introduced by: Alderman Savidge, Alderman Arnett, Alderwoman Tierney,
Alderman Rodriguez, Alderman Paone and Alderwoman Henson

Referred to
Planning Commission
Environmental Matters Committee
Rules and City Government Committee

AN ORDINANCE concerning

Forest Conservation - No Net Loss

FOR the purpose of amending the Code of the City of Annapolis concerning reforestation and other forest conservation measures to maintain the City's current tree canopy percentage.

BY repealing and reenacting with amendments the following portions of the Code of the City of Annapolis, 2018 Edition

WHEREAS on September 26, 2016, the City Council adopted O-22-16 Amended, which codified Chapter 21.71, Forest Conservation, in the Code of the City of Annapolis, and on March 27, 2017, the City Council adopted O-38-16, which amended certain provisions of Chapter 21.71which implemented the State Model Ordinance with amendments; and

WHEREAS the City Council recognizes the need for an open space environment, trees in particular offer environmental, economic, mental and physical health, safety, social and educational benefits, and by expanding trees to under-served areas, such as our public housing and subsidized housing communities, we can improve the quality of life for our residents; and

WHEREAS the City Council wishes to amend Chapter 21.71 of the Code of the City of Annapolis concerning reforestation to maintain the City's current tree canopy percentage; and

WHEREAS preliminary and final Forest Conservation Plans approved prior to the effective date of this Ordinance remain subject to the laws at the time of approval.


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