Thompson Street Park - For the purpose of designating specific City of Annapolis-owned property as a street-end park; naming the street-end park at the southeast end of Thompson Street the “Thompson Street Park”; and generally relating to park amenities.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 1-25
Introduced by: Alderman Huntley
Co-sponsored by: Alds. Finlayson, and Arnett
Referred to:
Finance Committee
A RESOLUTION concerning
“Thompson Street Park”
FOR the purpose of designating specific City of Annapolis-owned property as a street-end park; naming the street-end park at the southeast end of Thompson Street the “Thompson Street Park”; and generally relating to park amenities.
WHEREAS, the City of Annapolis is working to create green space and parks that are accessible to the general public; and
WHEREAS, Thompson Street ends at Old Woman’s Cove off of Spa Creek at a city-owned property that is used for dingy docking, fishing, and viewing Spa Creek;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the City-owned property located at the southeast end of Thompson Street Annapolis, Maryland, be designated a street-end park named “Thompson Street Park.”
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that park amenities be installed as included in the adopted budget of the City Council with the understanding that public water access to Old Woman’s Cove from Thompson Street Park will be provided contingent upon its feasibility.
AND, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that such street end park dedication shall take effect upon the passage of this Resolution.