Step 1: The Investment - For the purpose of detailing the spending of Covid-19 Relief Funding for specific purposes...
City of Annapolis
Resolution 59-20
Introduced by: Alderman Gay
Co-sponsored by:
Referred to
Public Safety Committee
A RESOLUTION concerning
Step 1: The Investment
FOR the purpose of detailing the spending of Covid-19 Relief Funding for specific purposes...
WHEREAS, On March 5, 2020, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan declared a State of Emergency due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and the first three confirmed cases in the State.
WHEREAS, On March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a nationwide emergency as it relates to the Covid-19 Pandemic. All 50 States, the District of Columbia, and 4 territories have been approved for major disaster declarations to assist with additional needs identified under the nationwide emergency declaration for Covid-19.
WHEREAS, On March 16, 2020 the Maryland State Superintendent announced all public schools will close
WHEREAS, according to the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Center, Maryland has recorded 131,357 confirmed cases and 3,999 deaths.
WHEREAS, according to the Anne Arundel County Dept. of Health, Anne Arundel County has recorded 10,875 cases and 245 deaths of that there are 1,976 confirmed cases in Anne Arundel County.
WHEREAS, according to Maryland Department of Labor, Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning, Office of Workforce Information and Performance at its peak the Covid-19 Pandemic forced 10.1% Marylanders onto unemployment
WHEREAS, according to Maryland Department of Labor, Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning, Office of Workforce Information and Performance at its peak the Covid-19 Pandemic forced 13.2% of Anne Arundel County residents onto unemployment
WHEREAS, in 2020 throughout the course of State of Emergency Eastport has seen a 16% increase in aggravated assault and a 7% increase in bu...
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