Repeal of Police Residency Requirement - For the purpose of repealing the requirement that sworn employees of the Police Department reside within a thirty-mile road radius from the City line.
City of Annapolis
Ordinance 13-14
Introduced by: Mayor Pantelides
Referred to
Rules and City Government
Public Safety
A ORDINANCE concerning
Repeal of Police Residency Requirement
FOR the purpose of repealing the requirement that sworn employees of the Police Department reside within a thirty-mile road radius from the City line.
BY repealing the following sections from the Code of the City of Annapolis, 2013 Edition
Section 3.24.050
WHEREAS, Section 3.24.050 has not been actively enforced in decades; and
WHEREAS, O-42-12 Amended, adopted on February 11, 2013 removed the residency requirement for Department Directors; and
WHEREAS, removing Section 3.24.050 will aid in sworn personnel recruitment and retention; and
WHEREAS, sworn employees of the Police Department are strongly encouraged to live in or near the City of Annapolis and, by doing so, this creates a force multiplier effect.
SECTION I: BE IT ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the Code of the City of Annapolis shall be amended to read as follows:
3.24.050 Police residency requirement.
The sworn employees of the Police Department shall reside within a thirty-road-mile radius of the City line. Any members residing beyond this radius as of the effective date of the ordinance from which this section derives may continue to do so; provided, that if a member sells or moves from his or her house, compliance with this section shall be made immediately.
SECTION II: AND BE IT FURTHER ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that this Ordinance shall take effect from the date of its passage.
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