Hurricane Ida - Small Business Financing - JCARS LLC d/b/a Tucker Automotive - For the purpose of supporting the distribution of grant funds through the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Neighborhood BusinessWorks Program (NBW Program) to JCARS LLC d/b/a Tucker Automotive, which was severely impacted by the Hurricane Ida disaster.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 6-22
Introduced by: Alderwoman Pindell Charles, Mayor Buckley
Co-sponsored by: Alderman Savidge
A RESOLUTION concerning
Hurricane Ida - Small Business Financing
JCARS LLC d/b/a Tucker Automotive
FOR the purpose of supporting the distribution of grant funds through the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Neighborhood BusinessWorks Program (NBW Program) to JCARS LLC d/b/a Tucker Automotive, which was severely impacted by the Hurricane Ida disaster.
WHEREAS, on September 1, 2021, spurred by Hurricane Ida, an EF-2 Tornado ripped through Annapolis with peak wind speeds reaching approximately 125 mph. In the aftermath, several small businesses were forced to shutter; and
WHEREAS, The Maryland DHCD has received funding for this current fiscal year through the NBW Program to support Maryland small businesses affected by the Hurricane Ida disaster; and
WHEREAS, JCARS LLC d/b/a Tucker Automotive has applied to the NBW Program for financing to replace and install a new building control system, and to assist with purchasing new entry/exit doors, repairing water damage to the walls and ceiling, and replacing the electric heating system for the shop and office areas at 35 Lee Street, Annapolis, MD 21401; and
WHEREAS, in order for grant funds to be released to JCARS LLC d/b/a Tucker Automotive, the City of Annapolis is required to show its support for the project by passing a resolution endorsing the financing; and
WHEREAS, the deadline for the City of Annapolis to submit the adopted Resolution to the DHCD is January 28, 2...
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