Watershed Restoration Fund - Appropriation and Use - For the purpose of reaffirming the commitment of the City Council concerning the appropriation and use of monies in the Watershed Restoration Fund.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 22-18
Introduced by: Alderman Savidge, Mayor Buckley, Alderman Rodriguez, Alderwoman Tierney and Alderman Arnett
Referred to
Environmental Matters Committee
A RESOLUTION concerning
Watershed Restoration Fund - Appropriation and Use - Reaffirmation
FOR the purpose of reaffirming the commitment of the City Council concerning the appropriation and use of monies in the Watershed Restoration Fund.
WHEREAS, on June 10, 2002, the City Council adopted O-10-02, which established a Stormwater Utility Fund whereby monies therein were to be used for "land acquisition (including easements and rights-of-way), and the study, engineering, design, purchase, construction, expansion, repair, maintenance, landscaping and inspection of public stormwater management systems;" and
WHEREAS, on July 31, 2017, the City Council adopted O-33-17 the purpose of renaming the Stormwater Utility Fund, which became known thereafter as the Watershed Restoration Fund to more accurately reflect the functionality of the Fund; and
WHEREAS, Section 17.10.180.A states that the "watershed restoration fund shall be established and the monies therein shall be used by the City for land acquisition (including easements and rights-of-way), and the study, engineering, design, purchase, construction, expansion, repair, maintenance, landscaping and inspection of public stormwater management systems."
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL THAT the City Council reaffirms that monies in the watershed restoration fund shall be used for land acquisition (including easements and rights-of-way), and the study, engineering, design, purchase, construction, expansion, repair, maintenance, landscaping and inspection of public stor...
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