Submission of Proposed Union Agreement - AFSCME 3406 - For the purpose of submitting a written memorandum of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Annapolis and AFSCME 3406 for the Fiscal Years 2019 through 2022 to the City Council for its ratification or rejection.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 33-18
Introduced by: Mayor Buckley
A RESOLUTION concerning
Submission of Proposed Union Agreement - AFSCME 3406
FOR the purpose of submitting a written memorandum of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Annapolis and AFSCME 3406 for the Fiscal Years 2019 through 2022 to the City Council for its ratification or rejection.
WHEREAS, the City of Annapolis and AFSCME 3406 employee organization has, through appropriate officials or their representatives, negotiated collectively and in good faith with respect to the terms and conditions of employment of employees in the organization; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3.32.060D of the Code of the City of Annapolis, a written memorandum of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Annapolis and the AFSCME 3406 for the Fiscal Years 2019 through 2022 is hereby submitted to the City Council for its ratification or rejection.
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the City Council hereby adopts the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Annapolis and AFSCME 3406 for the Fiscal Years 2019 through 2022.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Annapolis and AFSCME 3406 for the Fiscal Years 2019 through 2022 shall take effect from July 1, 2018.
Underlining indicates matter added to existing law.
[Strikethrough] indicates matter stricken from existing law.