Registration of Nonresidential Vacant Buildings - Fees - For the purpose of establishing a fee structure for registering a vacant or partially vacant nonresidential building with the Department of Planning and Zoning.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 42-18
Introduced by: Alderwoman Tierney
Referred to
Economic Matters Committee
A RESOLUTION concerning
Registration of Nonresidential Vacant Buildings - Fees
FOR the purpose of establishing a fee structure for registering a vacant or partially vacant nonresidential building with the Department of Planning and Zoning
WHEREAS, Ordinance 40-18 requires vacant or partially vacant nonresidential buildings to be registered with the Department of Planning and Zoning; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 42-18 establishes a fee structure for registering a vacant or partially vacant nonresidential building.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the FY 2019 Fees Schedule is amended as follows:
Section |
Type of Fee |
Amount of Fee FY 2019 |
17.48.215 |
Annual Registration Fee per Building (Period of Time Continuously Vacant) |
90 days to 2 years |
$250.00300.00 |
over 2 years to 4 years |
$500.00 |
Over 4 years |
$1,000.00 |
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that this resolution shall become effective upon the adoption of Ordinance 40-18.
Underlining indicates matter added to existing law.
Strikethrough indicates matter stricken from existing law.
Double Underlining indicates amendments.