Forest Conservation - No Net Loss - Fees - For the purpose of amending the Fees Schedule - FY 2019 pertaining to payments instead of afforestation and reforestation.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 49-18
Introduced by: Alderwoman Finlayson
Referred to:
Environmental Matters Committee
A RESOLUTION concerning
Forest Conservation - No Net Loss - Fees
FOR the purpose of amending the Fees Schedule - FY 2019 pertaining to payments instead of afforestation and reforestation.
WHEREAS, the City's current fees-in-lieu of planting are economically infeasible. Current City fees are set at $435,600 to $522,720 per acre. By contrast, Anne Arundel County's fees are $0.40 - $0.50 per square foot, translating to $17,424 to $21,780 per acre. The City's exponentially higher fees make its Forest Conservation Fund cost-prohibitive - at the current rates no applicant will ever reasonably be expected to pay the fees, meaning that the City will never receive any monies into its Forest Conservation Fund. Setting the fees closer to other jurisdictions' fees will make payments into the Forest Conservation Fund a possible option in addition to planting and the purchase of forest mitigation bank credits; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 49-18 amends the Fees Schedule - FY 2019, adopted by R-15-18 and effective July 1, 2018, pertaining to payments instead of afforestation and reforestation.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the FY 2019 Fees Schedule is amended as follows:
Type of Fee
Amount of Fee
Payment instead of afforestation and reforestation inside a priority funding area
$10.00$1.00 per square foot
Payment instead of afforestation and reforestation outside of a priority funding area
$12.00$1,20 per square foot
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that this resolution shall become effective upon the adoption of Ordinance 27-18.
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