Sidewalk Snow and Ice Removal - Fine - For the purpose of making technical corrections to the Code of the City of Annapolis concerning the fine for a failure to remove snow and ice from a sidewalk.
City of Annapolis
Ordinance 3-19
Introduced by: Alderwoman Tierney
Referred to
Environmental Matters Committee
Transportation Committee
AN ORDINANCE concerning
Sidewalk Snow and Ice Removal - Fine
FOR the purpose of making technical corrections to the Code of the City of Annapolis concerning the fine for a failure to remove snow and ice from a sidewalk.
BY repealing and re-enacting with amendments the following portions of the Code of the City of Annapolis, 2019 Edition
SECTION I: BE IT ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the Code of the City of Annapolis shall be amended to read as follows:
Chapter 14.24 - SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL
Section 14.24.010 - Adjoining occupant to clear sidewalk.
A. A person owning or occupying a lot or part of a lot fronting on any sidewalk shall cause all snow, sleet or ice to be removed from the sidewalk, so far as the lot abuts the sidewalk, within three hours after the snow or sleet have stopped falling; provided, that when snow or sleet shall have ceased to fall between the hours of three p.m. and six a.m., the snow or sleet shall be removed before eleven a.m.
B. A person who violates this section is guilty of a municipal infraction and is subject to a fine of twenty-five dollars for any single, initial violation and a fine as established by resolution of the City Council. A violation of this section shall be a municipal infraction and is subject to a fine as established by resolution of the City Council.
SECTION II: AND BE IT FURTHER ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that this ordinance shall take effect from the date of its passage.
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