Plumbing Code - Capital Facilities Payment Plan - For the purpose of establishing a Capital Facilities Payment Plan; identifying eligibility requirements, setting a payment schedule, providing for interest and penalties; making stylistic changes; and generally related to said payment plan.
City of Annapolis
Ordinance 4-20
Introduced by: Mayor Buckley
Co-sponsored by:
Referred to
Economic Matters Committee
90 day Rule: 7/27/20
AN ORDINANCE concerning
Plumbing Code - Capital Facilities Payment Plan
FOR the purpose of establishing a Capital Facilities Payment Plan; identifying eligibility requirements, setting a payment schedule, providing for interest and penalties; making stylistic changes; and generally related to said payment plan.
BY repealing and re-enacting with amendments the following portions of the Code of the City of Annapolis, 2020 Edition
BY repealing and re-enacting without amendments the following portions of the Code of the City of Annapolis, 2020 Edition
SECTION I: BE IT ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the Code of the City of Annapolis shall be amended to read as follows:
Chapter 17.28 - PLUMBING CODE
Section 17.28.090 - Permit-Fees-Schedule.
The charges for issuance of permits are the sum of a connection charge, a capital facility charge, a capital facility assessment charge and an installation charge. The charges shall be recommended to the City Council by the Director of Public Works and collected by the Director of Planning and Zoning. The schedule of fees shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
A. Connection Charges. Connection charges for a one inch or less water service and four-inch sewer service shall be based on the City's cost of constructing the water and sewer service lines between the property line and main pipeline, including the cost of t...
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