State of Emergency - For the purpose of extending the termination date of the Declaration of State of Emergency for the City of Annapolis issued on March 12, 2020.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 28-20
Introduced by: Mayor Buckley
Co-sponsored by:
A RESOLUTION concerning
State of Emergency
FOR the purpose of extending the termination date of the Declaration of State of Emergency for the City of Annapolis issued on March 12, 2020.
WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, in accordance with Section 11.48.030.A of the Annapolis City Code, the Mayor issued a Declaration of State of Emergency due to the ongoing federal and state warnings regarding illness and deaths resulting from exposure to the COVID-19 virus existing on March 5, 2020, within the United States of America; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor’s Declaration of State of Emergency was for a period of 30 days and terminated on April 11, 2020; and
WHEREAS, on April 6, 2020, the City Council adopted R-24-20, which extended the Mayor’s Declaration of State of Emergency for an additional period of 30 days to terminate on May 11, 2020; and
WHEREAS, to protect the public health, welfare, and safety, prevent the transmission of COVID-19, control the spread of COVID-19, and save lives, the Mayor finds it necessary to extend the current State of Emergency; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, pursuant to Section 11.48.030.B consents to extending the State of Emergency for an additional 30 days through June 10, 2020.
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the March 12, 2020, Declaration of State of Emergency issued by the Mayor of Annapolis shall be extended through June 10, 2020.
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[Strikethrough] indicates matter stricken.