Hiring Freeze - For the purpose of imposing a hiring freeze on non-critical positions in the City of Annapolis, providing for an effective date; and providing for a termination date.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 31-20
Introduced by: Alderman Paone
A RESOLUTION concerning
Hiring Freeze
FOR the purpose of imposing a hiring freeze on non-critical positions in the City of Annapolis, providing for an effective date; and providing for a termination date
WHEREAS, the current economic crisis has affected the State of Maryland, most particularly in income tax and other tourist related revenue; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor’s proposed FY 2021 annual operating budget includes no property tax increase; and
WHEREAS, a hiring freeze could potentially save the City a large sum of money; and
WHEREAS, budget shortfalls and uncertainty in the City’s current economic condition continue to plague anticipated City revenues.
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the City shall freeze all hiring for new or vacant positions, to exclude the department and office heads, seasonal employees of the Harbormaster and Recreation and Parks Departments, any sworn police personnel, qualified firefighters/paramedics, and any other position deemed critical to public safety or delivery of essential services. Exemptions for unspecified positions not mentioned above must be approved by a simple majority vote of the City Council.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that a hiring freeze is approved effective upon the passage of this Resolution, which will expire on June 30, 2021, at which time the City Council shall review the efficacy of the freeze.
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[Strikethrough] indicates matter stricken from existing law.