Community Grant Allocations for FY 2021- For the purpose of allocating Community Grant Funds for FY 2021.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 39-20
Introduced by: Alderwoman Finlayson and Alderman Arnett
A RESOLUTION concerning
Community Grant Allocations for FY 2021
FOR the purpose of allocating Community Grant Funds for FY 2021.
WHEREAS, on May 11, 2020, the Finance Committee submitted its FY 2021 Budget Report to the Annapolis City Council, which contained its recommendations on the allocations of Community Grant Funds as part of the annual budget process in accordance with Section 6.16.060 of the Code of the City of Annapolis; and
WHEREAS, on June 8, 2020, the Annapolis City Council adopted O-16-20, which contained no specific allocations of the total Community Grant Funds allocated for FY 2021; and
WHEREAS, the City Council now wishes to allocate Community Grant Funds for FY 2021 as described more fully in Attachment A, which is made a part hereof and incorporated herein.
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the allocations of Community Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2021 as described in Attachment A, which is made a part hereof and incorporated herein, are hereby adopted.
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