Emergency Ordinance - Recovery Zones and Temporary Uses - For the purpose of extending the temporary uses and parking restrictions for outdoor seating at restaurants and outdoor shopping options for retail establishments authorized by certain Executive Orders; providing a termination date; and making this Ordinance an emergency measure.
City of Annapolis
Ordinance 26-21
Introduced by: Mayor Buckley and Alderwoman Tierney
Co-sponsored by: Alderman Gay, Alderman Schandelmeier,
Alderman Savidge, Alderwoman Pindell Charles, Alderwoman Finlayson
AN ORDINANCE concerning
Emergency Ordinance - Recovery Zones and Temporary Uses
FOR the purpose of extending the temporary uses and parking restrictions for outdoor seating at restaurants and outdoor shopping options for retail establishments authorized by certain Executive Orders; providing a termination date; and making this Ordinance an emergency measure.
WHEREAS, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had serious and long-lasting adverse effects not only on the residents of Annapolis, but also on the business community; and
WHEREAS, the restaurant industry was particularly hard hit by use and capacity restrictions imposed by State and local governments to save lives and prevent exposure to the COVID-19 virus; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor issued a Declaration of State of Emergency for the City of Annapolis effective March 12, 2020, and extended it until the next City Council meeting that succeeds the 30th day after the Governor of Maryland terminates his State of Emergency and rescinds his Proclamation of a Catastrophic Health Emergency; and
WHEREAS, as part of the declared State of Emergency and in an effort to provide some relief to the restaurant and retail industries, on May 29, 2020, via Executive Order No. 17 and as renewed in Amended and Restated Executive Order No. 20, the Mayor established Recovery Zones to give citizens and visitors of Annapolis the ability to utilize expanded ou...
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