Public Safety - Distribution of Literature to Purchasers of Guns or Ammunition - For the purpose of expressing support for Anne Arundel County Bill No. 108-21 concerning preparation and distribution of literature to purchasers of guns or ammunition.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 8-22
Introduced by: Mayor Buckley, Alderwoman Pindell Charles
Co-sponsored by: Alderwoman Tierney, Alderman Gay,
Alderwoman O'Neill, Alderman Schandelmeier, Alderman Savidge,
Alderwoman Finlayson, Alderman Arnett
A RESOLUTION concerning
Public Safety - Distribution of Literature to Purchasers of Guns or Ammunition
FOR the purpose of expressing support for Anne Arundel County Bill No. 108-21 concerning preparation and distribution of literature to purchasers of guns or ammunition.
WHEREAS, County Councilwoman Lisa Rodvien introduced Bill No. 108-21 on December 6, 2021, and the County Council voted to adopt that bill on January 3, 2022; and
WHEREAS, Bill No. 108-21 requires the Health Department to prepare literature relating to gun safety, gun training, suicide prevention, mental health, and conflict resolution, and to distribute that literature to all establishments that sell guns or ammunition; and
WHEREAS, Establishments that sell guns or ammunition must make the literature visible and available at the point of sale, and must also distribute the literature to all purchasers of guns or ammunition; and
WHEREAS, The Health Department may issue a citation to the owner of an establishment that violates the requirements of Bill No. 108-21; and
WHEREAS, Bill No. 108-21 will take effect 90 days after January 3, 2022; and
WHEREAS, The City Council supports Bill No. 108-21 because the Anne Arundel County Department of Health has jurisdiction in Annapolis.
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the City of Annapolis hereby expresses its support for Anne Arundel County Bill No. 108-21 concerning preparation and distributio...
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