Buildings and Construction- Fire Prevention Code - Sprinker and Electrical Assistance Revolving Funds. - For the purpose of clarifying the Sprinkler Assistance Revolving Fund and other technical changes.
City of Annapolis
Ordinance 30-22
Introduced by: Alderwoman Tierney
Co-sponsored by:
Referred to
Economic Matters Committee
Finance Committee
AN ORDINANCE concerning
Section 17.20.110 - Sprinkler and Electional Assistance Revolving Fund; and
Section 17.20.120 - Fire sprinkler systems
Fire Prevention Code - Sprinkler Assistance Revolving Fund
FOR the purpose of assisting property owners to install sprinkler systems; increasing loan amounts; and certain technical corrections.
BY removing references to Electronic Revolving Funds and changing monetary amounts
17.20.110 - Sprinkler and Electrical Assistance Revolving Funds.
A. Purpose. The Director of Finance shall establish and maintain a Sprinkler Assistance Revolving Fund and an Electrical Assistance Revolving Fund and necessary procedures for the purpose of encouraging the installation of sprinklers and upgrading of electrical systems in existing buildings so as to increase the safety of residents, Fire Fighters and First Responders, minimize damage resulting from fire, and allow greater utilization of currently vacant or underutilized space. The Sprinkler Assistance Revolving Fund will operate by making low cost loans to developers or property owners of existing buildings that do not have sprinkler systems installed at the time of an application. The Electrical Assistance Revolving Fund will operate by making low cost loans to developers or property owners of older buildings in the Historic District that do not currently have modern electrical systems installed at the time of application.
B. Financing of Revolving Fund. Funds authorized in the budget for the Sprinkler and Electrical Assistance Revolving Funds may be made available for eligible costs during any budget year.
C. Interest Rate. The interest rate to be charged to the borrower is to be one percent per year unless otherwise established by resolution of the City Council.
D. Those Eligible to Receive Assistance from the Fund. Loans may be made to developers or owners for the rehabilitation of existing commercial or residential buildings. Loans may not be made for new buildings. Loans may only be made when the loans are part of a funding package that will result in the affected building being fully sprinkled or being fully brought into compliance with electrical requirements. The Director of Finance shall give priority to those seeking assistance for buildings that include long-term residential units.
E. Costs that May be Funded Using the Revolving Fund. Eligible costs that may be funded by a loan are limited to the installation of electrical systems in the Historic District for the Electrical Assistance Revolving Fund, and costs directly related to the installation of sprinklers, including design, labor, and materials and hook-up to the City water supply less any City property tax credits for which the property owner may be eligible pursuant to Section 6.04.130 and 6.04.230 of this Code.
F. Loan Amounts. A loan amount may not exceed twenty forty thousand dollars ($40,000) dollars, except for applicants that who retain hire a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) to install no less than thirty percent or more of the sprinkler or electrical system, may apply for a loan not to exceed twenty-five forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) subject to the requirements set forth in this provision. The MBE shall be certified by the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, a division of the Maryland Department of Transportation. Applicants who apply for a MBE loan featuring use of a MBE must provide proof to the Director of Finance of the work performed on the project by the MBE.
17.20.120 - Fire sprinkler systems.
A. Applicability. All commercial buildings located on Main Street or Francis Street in the Historic District that are adjacent to existing underground lateral lines are required to be sprinklered no later than five years from the date of passage of this ordinance. Any commercial building within the City of Annapolis that subsequently benefits from the installation of adjacent underground lateral lines after the date of passage of this ordinance shall be sprinklered no later than three five years from the date of the laterial line installation.
C. Plans. In applying for a permit, the owner shall submit plans for the applicable sprinkler system specified in the building code. Subject to NFPA review, an alternate suppression system may be approved if the Department determines that a wet sprinkler system cannot be installed without jeopardizing any historic components and the existing fabric of the building. Applications to install alternate suppression systems are not eligible to receive assistance from the sprinkler revolving fund.
SECTION III: AND BE IT FURTHER ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the catchlines or captions contained in this ordinance are not law and may not be considered to have been enacted as part of this ordinance.
SECTION IV: AND BE IT FURTHER ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the publisher of the Code of the City of Annapolis, in consultation with and subject to the approval of the City of Annapolis Office of Law, shall correct, with no further action required by the City Council, cross-referenced and terminology rendered incorrect by this ordinance. The publisher shall adequately describe any correction that is made in an editor’s note following the section affected.
SECTION V: AND BE IT FURTHER ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that this ordinance shall take effect from the date of its passage.
UPPERCASE indicates matter added to existing law.
Strikethrough indicates matter stricken from existing law.
Underlining indicates amendments.