Code of Civility - For the purpose of establishing a Code of Civility setting forth how members of the Annapolis City Council and all boards, committees, and commissions appointed by the Council shall treat one another, staff, constituents, and members of the public, and establishing regulations for those attending public hearings or forums to maintain proper order and decorum.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 3-23
Introduced by: Mayor Buckley
Co-sponsored by: Ald. Savidge, Ald. O'Neill, Ald. Pindell Charles, Ald. Finlayson,
Ald. Arnett
A RESOLUTION concerning
Code of Civility
FOR the purpose of establishing a Code of Civility setting forth how members of the Annapolis City Council and all City boards, committees, and commissions appointed by the Council shall treat one another, staff, constituents, and members of the public, and establishing regulations for those attending public hearings or forum to maintain proper order and decorum.
WHEREAS, Civility is synonymous with courtesy, politeness, graciousness, tolerance, consideration, and respect; and
WHEREAS, Civility requires that all members comport themselves in a manner that permits honest efforts at understanding the views and reasoning of others; and
WHEREAS, Civility promotes a process that is fair and effective in both appearance and fact; and
WHEREAS, Civility is attained through polite action and expression, and it promotes a positive collegial atmosphere wherein all City boards, committees, and commissions may operate effectively for the benefit of Annapolis' citizens; and
WHEREAS, Civility leads to effective communication and allows the finding of common ground; and
WHEREAS, The presence of the public at all open meetings of the Council, committees, commissions, and boards appointed by the Council is an integral part of a transparent government; and
WHEREAS, Public participation in hearings and forums ensures that Members have a complete sense of the...
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