Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/13/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Mayor John T. Chambers, Jr. City Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID-85-24 1  Informational ItemNext Phase of the Plans for City Dock, including the Maritime Welcome Center and other 'Above Ground' Features of the New Parkfree form  Action details Video Video
ID-90-24 1  Informational ItemAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)presented  Action details Not available
ID-90-24 1  Informational ItemAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)presented  Action details Not available
ID-88-24 1  Informational ItemFinance Committee Report FY2025presented  Action details Video Video
CCM 4.8.24 1  JournalRegular Meeting MinutesapprovePass Action details Not available
CCM 4.29.24 1  JournalSpecial Meeting MinutesapprovePass Action details Not available
SA-33-24 1  Supplemental AppropriationGrant - Office of Emergency Management - Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)approvePass Action details Not available
CA-1-24 1  Charter AmendmentDepartment of Central Services - For the purpose of reconstituting the Department of Central Services in the City Charter; moving public purchasing duties from the Finance Department to the Department of Central Services, and moving facilities management, fleet operations, and fleet replacement duties from the Department of Public Works to the Department of Central Services; and generally related to Department of Central Services responsibilities.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-5-24 1  OrdinanceHealth and Safety - City of Annapolis Plastic Bag Reduction Act - For the purpose of prohibiting the retail distribution of plastic bags in the City, with some exceptions; defining certain terms; establishing the duties of certain retail establishments; providing for the enforcement of the prohibition on plastic bags; allowing retail establishments to distribute paper and reusable bags at no cost during certain times of the year; requiring public notice of the requirements; and generally relating to public safety.   Action details Video Video
O-5-24 1  OrdinanceHealth and Safety - City of Annapolis Plastic Bag Reduction Act - For the purpose of prohibiting the retail distribution of plastic bags in the City, with some exceptions; defining certain terms; establishing the duties of certain retail establishments; providing for the enforcement of the prohibition on plastic bags; allowing retail establishments to distribute paper and reusable bags at no cost during certain times of the year; requiring public notice of the requirements; and generally relating to public safety.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video
O-7-24 1  OrdinanceAnnual Budget and Appropriation and Property Tax Levy - For the purpose of adopting the City Budget, comprising the Annual Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the Capital Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the Capital Improvement Program for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2026, June 30, 2027, June 30, 2028, June 30, 2029, and June 30, 2030; appropriating funds for all expenditures for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025; levying and imposing a property tax for the use of the City of Annapolis for the taxable year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025; and fixing the rate of the City property tax for the taxable year.declare the public hearing left open  Action details Video Video
O-8-24 1  OrdinanceDepartment of Central Services - For the purpose of reconstituting the Department of Central Services in the City Charter; moving public purchasing duties from the Finance Department to the Department of Central Services, and moving facilities management, fleet operations, and fleet replacement duties from the Department of Public Works to the Department of Central Services; and generally related to Department of Central Services responsibilities.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-9-24 1  OrdinanceFY 2025 Changes in Exempt Service Job Classifications - For the purpose of updating the classification grades for City employees in exempt service positions; adding the Director of Central Services to the exempt service classification chart; and generally related to City employee salaries for exempt service positions.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
R-25-24 1  ResolutionSocial Worker Position at Annapolis High School - For the purpose of requesting the Anne Arundel County Council to increase the Annapolis High School budget to fund a second social worker.adopt on first readerPass Action details Not available
R-25-24 1  ResolutionSocial Worker Position at Annapolis High School - For the purpose of requesting the Anne Arundel County Council to increase the Annapolis High School budget to fund a second social worker.rules suspendedPass Action details Not available
R-25-24 1  ResolutionSocial Worker Position at Annapolis High School - For the purpose of requesting the Anne Arundel County Council to increase the Annapolis High School budget to fund a second social worker.adopt on second readerPass Action details Not available
O-3-23 1  Ordinance2023 Redistricting and Revised 'Election Wards' Boundaries - For the purpose of revising the Annapolis City Council Ward boundaries due to population shifts revealed in the 2020 Census; and generally related to City election wards.adopt on second readerPass Action details Not available
O-3-23 1  Ordinance2023 Redistricting and Revised 'Election Wards' Boundaries - For the purpose of revising the Annapolis City Council Ward boundaries due to population shifts revealed in the 2020 Census; and generally related to City election wards.amendPass Action details Not available
O-3-23 1  Ordinance2023 Redistricting and Revised 'Election Wards' Boundaries - For the purpose of revising the Annapolis City Council Ward boundaries due to population shifts revealed in the 2020 Census; and generally related to City election wards.adopt as amendedPass Action details Not available
O-3-23 1  Ordinance2023 Redistricting and Revised 'Election Wards' Boundaries - For the purpose of revising the Annapolis City Council Ward boundaries due to population shifts revealed in the 2020 Census; and generally related to City election wards.adopt on third readerPass Action details Not available
O-3-24 1  OrdinanceCity Council Nominations to Boards, Commissions, and Committees - For the purpose of the members of the City Council to nominate members to boards, commissions, and committees if the position has been vacant, or expired and filled temporarily for more than six months; and generally related to City Council duties.refer to Annapolis Education CommissionPass Action details Not available
O-4-24 1  OrdinanceResidency Requirement for Liquor Licensees Repeal - For the purpose of eliminating the residency requirement for receiving a City of Annapolis liquor license in accordance with state law; and generally dealing with license applications.adopt on second readerPass Action details Video Video
O-4-24 1  OrdinanceResidency Requirement for Liquor Licensees Repeal - For the purpose of eliminating the residency requirement for receiving a City of Annapolis liquor license in accordance with state law; and generally dealing with license applications.adopt on third readerPass Action details Video Video
R-18-24 1  ResolutionComprehensive Plan Consideration Extension - For the purpose of extending the time that the City Council has to consider the City's comprehensive plan, Annapolis Ahead 2040.adopt on second readerPass Action details Video Video