Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/11/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Mayor John T. Chambers, Jr. City Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
R-40-22 1  ResolutionPayments in Lieu of Taxes Agreement with Forest Drive LIHTC, LLC - For the purpose of approving a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement between the City of Annapolis and Forest Drive LIHTC, LLC, for the construction of affordable housing units in Annapolis, Maryland.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video
ID-162-22 1  Informational ItemRev. Jerry Colbert Citationpresented  Action details Video Video
ID-167-22 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation for Gabrielle "Gabbi" Martinez   Action details Video Video
AP-60-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentRecommendation to County Executive Pittman to fill the City of Annapolis' Seat on the Anne Arundel County Police Accountability Board postponePass Action details Video Video
AP-24-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Appointment of Joshua Hatch to the Human Relations CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-43-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Dianne Graham to the Human Relations CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-44-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment Edith Knight to the Human Relations CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-45-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Jerry Williams to the Human Relations CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-47-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Janet Norman to the Education CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-48-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Laura Graham Booth to the Education Commissionconfirm  Action details Not available
AP-49-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Lillie Odessa Ellis to the Education CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-50-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Jessica Pachler to the Education CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-52-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Enid Collison-Lee to the Education CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-53-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Nancy Libson to the Affordable Housing and Community Equity Development CommitteeconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-54-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Theresa Von Adelung Bond to the Affordable Housing and Community Equity Development CommitteeconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-55-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Jennifer Beard to the Civil Service BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-56-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Alvin Collins to the Civil Service BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-57-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of David Arthur to the Arts in Public Places CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-58-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Randy Rowel to the Environmental CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-59-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-appointment of Willie Sampson to the Port WardensconfirmPass Action details Not available
CCM 6.6.2022 1  JournalSpecial Meeting MinutesapprovePass Action details Not available
CCM 6.10.2022 1  JournalSpecial Meeting MinutesapprovePass Action details Not available
CCM 6.23.2022 1  JournalSpecial Meeting MinutesapprovePass Action details Not available
CCM 6.27.2022 1  JournalSpecial Meeting MinutesapprovePass Action details Not available
O-19-22 1  OrdinanceStanton Center Lease Agreement (Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation) - For the purpose of approving the lease for certain City-owned property located at the Stanton Community Center, 92 West Washington Street , Annapolis, Maryland 21401 between Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation and the City of Annapolis; providing an effective date; and matters generally relating to said Lease Agreement.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Not available
O-22-22 1  OrdinanceStanton Center Lease Agreement (Annapolis Arts District, Inc.) - For the purpose of approving the lease for certain City-owned property located at the Stanton Community Center, 92 West Washington Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401 between Annapolis Arts District, Inc. and the City of Annapolis; providing an effective date; and matters generally relating to said Lease Agreement.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-23-22 1  OrdinanceStanton Center Lease Agreement (We Care And Friends, Inc.) - For the purpose of approving the lease for certain City-owned property located at the Stanton Community Center, 92 West Washington Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401 between We Care And Friends, Inc. and the City of Annapolis; providing an effective date; and matters generally relating to said Lease Agreement.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-28-22 2  OrdinanceVehicles and Traffic - Parking Meters - Parking in metered space - For the purpose of extending time allowed in metered space.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-30-22 1  OrdinanceBuildings and Construction- Fire Prevention Code - Sprinkler and Electrical Assistance Revolving Funds. - For the purpose of clarifying the Sprinkler Assistance Revolving Fund and other technical changes.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-32-22 1  OrdinanceHuman Resources - Exempt Service - Salary - For the purpose of modifying the assistant city manager position salary, creating a new special projects/arts administration position, and changing the number of days that temporary employees shall be employed.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
R-36-22 1  ResolutionCity Supported Special Events in Fiscal Year 2023 - For the purpose of identifying City Supported Special Events; and waiving certain related City Fees during Fiscal Year 2023.adopt on first readerPass Action details Video Video
R-36-22 1  ResolutionCity Supported Special Events in Fiscal Year 2023 - For the purpose of identifying City Supported Special Events; and waiving certain related City Fees during Fiscal Year 2023.refer  Action details Video Video
R-38-22 1  ResolutionNon-Profit Vendors During Annapolis Songwriters Festival and Holiday Market - For the purpose of authorizing sales by certain vendors in the Susan Campbell Park of the Historic District during September and December of 2022.adopt on first readerPass Action details Video Video
R-45-22 1  ResolutionCompensation of Acting Director of Transportation Agyemang-Duah - For the purpose of expressly consenting to compensate an acting director when a directorship remains vacant for six-months.adopt on first readerPass Action details Video Video
R-46-22 1  ResolutionDirector of Public Works - David A. Jarrell - For the purpose of expressly confirming the appointment of David A. Jarrell as the Director of Public Works; and consenting to compensate the Director.adopt on first readerPass Action details Video Video
O-42-22 1  OrdinanceBusiness License, Taxes and Regulations - Street Café - For the purpose of clarifying the definition of street cafésadopt on first readerPass Action details Not available
O-42-22 1  OrdinanceBusiness License, Taxes and Regulations - Street Café - For the purpose of clarifying the definition of street cafésrefer  Action details Not available
O-43-22 1  OrdinanceIssuance of General Obligation Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes - For the purpose of authorizing and empowering the City of Annapolis (the “City”) to issue and sell, upon its full faith and credit, (i) one or more series of its general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $32,643,771 (the “Bonds”), pursuant to Sections 19-301 through 19-309, inclusive, of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, and Article VII, Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Annapolis, as amended (the “Charter”), (ii) one or more series of its general obligation bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of the Bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount equal to the maximum aggregate principal amount of the Bonds (the “Notes”), pursuant to Sections 19-211 through 19-221, inclusive, of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended and the Charter and (iii) one or more series of its general obligation bonds to refund specified bonds previously issued by the City in the aggregate principal amount notadopt on first readerPass Action details Video Video
O-43-22 1  OrdinanceIssuance of General Obligation Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes - For the purpose of authorizing and empowering the City of Annapolis (the “City”) to issue and sell, upon its full faith and credit, (i) one or more series of its general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $32,643,771 (the “Bonds”), pursuant to Sections 19-301 through 19-309, inclusive, of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, and Article VII, Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Annapolis, as amended (the “Charter”), (ii) one or more series of its general obligation bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of the Bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount equal to the maximum aggregate principal amount of the Bonds (the “Notes”), pursuant to Sections 19-211 through 19-221, inclusive, of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended and the Charter and (iii) one or more series of its general obligation bonds to refund specified bonds previously issued by the City in the aggregate principal amount notrefer  Action details Video Video
O-43-22 1  OrdinanceIssuance of General Obligation Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes - For the purpose of authorizing and empowering the City of Annapolis (the “City”) to issue and sell, upon its full faith and credit, (i) one or more series of its general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $32,643,771 (the “Bonds”), pursuant to Sections 19-301 through 19-309, inclusive, of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, and Article VII, Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Annapolis, as amended (the “Charter”), (ii) one or more series of its general obligation bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of the Bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount equal to the maximum aggregate principal amount of the Bonds (the “Notes”), pursuant to Sections 19-211 through 19-221, inclusive, of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended and the Charter and (iii) one or more series of its general obligation bonds to refund specified bonds previously issued by the City in the aggregate principal amount notrefer  Action details Video Video
O-37-22 1  OrdinanceArts in Public Places - Arts Fund Appropriation by Council - For the purpose of clarifying City of Annapolis arts fundingadopt on second readerPass Action details Video Video
O-37-22 1  OrdinanceArts in Public Places - Arts Fund Appropriation by Council - For the purpose of clarifying City of Annapolis arts fundingadopt on third readerPass Action details Video Video