Meeting Name: Environmental Matters Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/10/2022 3:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Mayor John T. Chambers, Jr. City Council Chambers
Virtual Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ENV01.18.22 1  JournalApproval of Minutes for the Special MeetingapprovePass Action details Video Video
AP-6-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Appointment of John Henry Turner to the Annapolis Conservancy BoardpostponePass Action details Video Video
AP-7-22 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Appointment Briana Yancy to the Environmental CommissionpostponePass Action details Video Video
O-38-21 1  OrdinanceIllicit Discharges and Connections - Stormwater - For the purpose of regulating the contribution of pollutants to the City separate storm sewer system (MS4) by stormwater discharges by any user; prohibiting illicit connections and discharges to the City separate storm sewer system (MS4); establishing legal authority for the City to carry out all inspection, surveillance and monitoring procedures; providing definitions; providing for enforcement of violations; providing an appeal process; and generally relating to illicit discharge and connections.postponePass Action details Video Video
O-2-22 1  OrdinanceMooring Permits - Forfeiture - For the purpose of modifying the use requirement of moorings in City waters; providing a definition; and generally relating to mooring permits.postponePass Action details Video Video
O-5-22 1  OrdinancePublic Services - Water and Sewer - For the purpose of clarifying who may tap or connect with a public sewer, water main, or stormwater line; providing for a qualified laboratory to sample and test a water line for chlorine or bacteria in certain circumstances; updating certain terms; requiring individual water meters for certain commercial units; requiring individual sewer cleanouts for dwelling and commercial units; and generally relating to public water and sewer services.recommend favorablyPass Action details Video Video
ID-30-22 1  Informational ItemUpdate from the Environmental Programs Coordinator Raycine Hodo   Action details Video Video
R-7-22 1  ResolutionAn Emergency Declaration Concerning Pollution Discharges - For the purpose of declaring that any amount of pollution, including but not limited to, sediment, muddy water, cloudy water, turbid water, that is discharged from a construction site is unacceptable and clearly prohibited under the Annapolis City Code and the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) sediment and erosion control standards and regulations; and affirming the imposition of stricter enforcement for violations of the City Code and the MDE sediment and erosion control standards and regulations.   Action details Not available