Meeting Name: Economic Matters Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/11/2018 4:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Mayor John T. Chambers Jr., City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ECM071717 1  JournalApproval of Minutes for the Regular MeetingapprovePass Action details Not available
AP-38-18 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Kim Finch to the Historic Preservation Commissionrecommend favorablyPass Action details Video Video
ID-283-18 1c. Informational ItemPresentation: Economic Development, Hope Stewart   Action details Not available
ID-284-18 1d. Informational ItemPresentation: Downtown Annapolis Partnership, Erik Evans, Executive Director   Action details Video Video
O-40-18 1  OrdinanceVacant Nonresidential Buildings - Registration - For the purpose of requiring vacant or partially vacant nonresidential buildings to be registered with the Department of Planning and Zoning; requiring posting of vacant property signage on all such buildings; establishing a registry of vacant or partially vacant nonresidential buildings; and matters generally relating to registering vacant nonresidential buildings.postponePass Action details Video Video
R-42-18 1  ResolutionRegistration of Nonresidential Vacant Buildings - Fees - For the purpose of establishing a fee structure for registering a vacant or partially vacant nonresidential building with the Department of Planning and Zoning.postponePass Action details Video Video