Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/10/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Mayor John T. Chambers, Jr. City Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID-53-25 1  Ceremonial ItemCitation: Eastport Volunteer Fire Company & IAFF Local 1926 Union   Not available Video Video
R-11-25 1  ResolutionDirector of Finance--Brittany Moran For the purpose of expressly confirming the appointment of Brittany Moran as Director of Finance; and consenting to compensate the Finance Director.   Not available Video Video
CCM 2.10.25 1  JournalRegular Meeting Minutes   Not available Not available
CCM 2.24.25 1  JournalSpecial Meeting Minutes   Not available Not available
FT-10-25 1  Budget Revision RequestCapital Fund - Department of Public Works   Not available Not available
O-33-24 1  OrdinanceAppeals Process for Property Development in Annapolis - For the purpose of eliminating the temporary stop on development, construction or other project work, called a "stay," while a Department of Planning and Zoning or Department of Public Works decision regarding building and construction developments is being challenged in Circuit Court; and generally dealing with the appeals process in Titles 17 and 21 of the City Code.   Not available Not available
R-8-25 1  ResolutionMayor, Alderperson, and City Manager Compensation. For the purpose of reviewing and accepting the 2025 Salary Review Commission report dated February 4, 2025, which provides recommendations for adjusting the City Council and City Manager salaries for the 2025-2029 term.   Not available Video Video
R-5-25 1  ResolutionMaryland Hall for the Creative Arts Fee Waiver For the purpose of waiving certain fees for the Maryland Hall for the Creative Art's third phase of its multi-year project to renovate its 93-year-old building and facilities in and around the building.   Not available Video Video
R-5-25 1  ResolutionMaryland Hall for the Creative Arts Fee Waiver For the purpose of waiving certain fees for the Maryland Hall for the Creative Art's third phase of its multi-year project to renovate its 93-year-old building and facilities in and around the building.   Not available Video Video
R-10-25 2  Resolution2025 Annapolis Film Festival Fee Waiver - For the purpose of identifying the Annapolis Film Festival that will be held on March 27-30, 2025, as a Major Special Event; and waiving charges for certain City of Annapolis costs related to city services for that event.   Not available Video Video