Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/28/2021 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Mayor John T. Chambers, Jr. City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
AP-82-19 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Michael Hughes to the Recreation Advisory BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-130-19 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Appointment of Patrick N. Sheridan to the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-7-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Appointment of Katrina Williams to the Recreation Advisory BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-15-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Chrissa Rich to the Arts in Public Places CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-19-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Bevin Buchheister to the Environmental CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-20-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Bill O’Leary to the Environmental CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-21-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Paul Murphy to the Environmental CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-22-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Scott Anderson to Port WardensconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-23-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Dick Peterson to the Alcoholic Beverage Control BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-24-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Kia Baskerville to the Alcoholic Beverage Control BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-25-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Robert Hruby to the Building Board of AppealsconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-26-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Robert Worden to the Heritage CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-27-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Alma Cropper to the Heritage CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-28-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Kim Finch to the Historic Preservation CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-29-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Wilford Scott to the Historic Preservation CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-31-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Helen Leitch to the Human Relations CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-32-21 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Rosemary Katchmar to the Human Relations CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
SA-41-21 1  Supplemental AppropriationPlanning and Zoning Grant Fund - Housing & Urban Development Revenue: Federal Grant Revenue ($200.00) Expenditure: Federal Grant Expenses ($200.00)approvePass Action details Not available
SA-40-21 1  Supplemental AppropriationSelf-Insurance Revenue: Available Fund Balance ($250,000.00) Expenditure: Contractual Services ($250,000.00)approvePass Action details Not available
FT-11-21 1  Budget Revision RequestGeneral Fund Various Transfer From: R&P Latchkey Salaries and Benefits ($32,000.00) Transfer To: R&P Stanton Center Salaries and Benefits ($32,000.00) Transfer From: Police Salaries and Benefits ($94,000.00) Transfer To: Police Contractual Services ($94,000.00) Transfer From: City Manager Contractual Services ($25,000.00); City Manager Special Projects ($25,000.00); Fire Capital Outlay ($20,000.00) Transfer To: City Manager Salaries and Benefits ($70,000.00)approvePass Action details Video Video
O-8-21 1  OrdinanceDwellings above nonresidential uses in the PM District - For the purpose of creating standards for dwellings permitted above the ground floor of nonresidential uses in the PM zoning district; and matters generally relating to regulation of such dwellings.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Not available
O-21-21 1  OrdinancePublic Ethics - Statement of Compliance - For the purpose of repealing the requirement to file a Statement of Compliance for certain individuals.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-23-21 1  OrdinanceAnnapolis Harbor Lines - 222 Severn Avenue - For the purpose of amending the configuration of the Annapolis harbor line outboard of 222 Severn Avenue on Spa Creek; and generally related to said harbor line.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Not available
O-24-21 1  OrdinanceSewer Service Agreement - Lidl US Operations, LLC - For the purpose of authorizing a sewer service agreement providing for the extension of City sewer service to certain parcels on Bay Ridge Road located in Anne Arundel County; and generally relating to providing said sewer service outside the City limits.adopt on first readerPass Action details Video Video
O-24-21 1  OrdinanceSewer Service Agreement - Lidl US Operations, LLC - For the purpose of authorizing a sewer service agreement providing for the extension of City sewer service to certain parcels on Bay Ridge Road located in Anne Arundel County; and generally relating to providing said sewer service outside the City limits.refer  Action details Video Video
O-24-21 1  OrdinanceSewer Service Agreement - Lidl US Operations, LLC - For the purpose of authorizing a sewer service agreement providing for the extension of City sewer service to certain parcels on Bay Ridge Road located in Anne Arundel County; and generally relating to providing said sewer service outside the City limits.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video
O-24-21 1  OrdinanceSewer Service Agreement - Lidl US Operations, LLC - For the purpose of authorizing a sewer service agreement providing for the extension of City sewer service to certain parcels on Bay Ridge Road located in Anne Arundel County; and generally relating to providing said sewer service outside the City limits.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video
O-25-21 1  OrdinanceWaterfront Maritime Zoning Districts - Uses - For the purpose of requiring certain annual reporting on maritime and non-maritime uses, providing for certain waterfront access incentives for non-maritime uses, modifying the requirements for certain uses deemed conforming, modifying certain uses for Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts, allowing uses in certain districts subject to standards, modifying off-street parking requirements for certain uses, adding definitions, and generally relating to uses in Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts.adopt on first readerPass Action details Not available
O-25-21 1  OrdinanceWaterfront Maritime Zoning Districts - Uses - For the purpose of requiring certain annual reporting on maritime and non-maritime uses, providing for certain waterfront access incentives for non-maritime uses, modifying the requirements for certain uses deemed conforming, modifying certain uses for Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts, allowing uses in certain districts subject to standards, modifying off-street parking requirements for certain uses, adding definitions, and generally relating to uses in Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts.refer  Action details Not available
O-25-21 1  OrdinanceWaterfront Maritime Zoning Districts - Uses - For the purpose of requiring certain annual reporting on maritime and non-maritime uses, providing for certain waterfront access incentives for non-maritime uses, modifying the requirements for certain uses deemed conforming, modifying certain uses for Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts, allowing uses in certain districts subject to standards, modifying off-street parking requirements for certain uses, adding definitions, and generally relating to uses in Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts.refer  Action details Not available
O-25-21 1  OrdinanceWaterfront Maritime Zoning Districts - Uses - For the purpose of requiring certain annual reporting on maritime and non-maritime uses, providing for certain waterfront access incentives for non-maritime uses, modifying the requirements for certain uses deemed conforming, modifying certain uses for Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts, allowing uses in certain districts subject to standards, modifying off-street parking requirements for certain uses, adding definitions, and generally relating to uses in Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts.refer  Action details Not available
R-19-21 1  ResolutionItinerant Merchant Sales in the Historic District - 2021 - For the purpose of authorizing hawker, peddler, and itinerant merchant sales in the Historic District in conjunction with certain special events during calendar year 2021.adopt on first readerPass Action details Video Video
R-20-21 1  ResolutionWater Service Agreement - Lidl US Operations, LLC - For the purpose of authorizing a water service agreement providing for the extension of City water service to certain parcels on the Bay Ridge Road located in Anne Arundel County; and generally relating to providing said water service outside the City limits.adopt on first readerPass Action details Video Video
R-20-21 1  ResolutionWater Service Agreement - Lidl US Operations, LLC - For the purpose of authorizing a water service agreement providing for the extension of City water service to certain parcels on the Bay Ridge Road located in Anne Arundel County; and generally relating to providing said water service outside the City limits.refer  Action details Video Video
R-20-21 1  ResolutionWater Service Agreement - Lidl US Operations, LLC - For the purpose of authorizing a water service agreement providing for the extension of City water service to certain parcels on the Bay Ridge Road located in Anne Arundel County; and generally relating to providing said water service outside the City limits.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video
R-21-21 1  ResolutionMedicare for All - For the purpose of expressing support for Medicare for All, including expansion of the Medicare for All Act of 2021, H.R. 1976, 117th Cong. (2021-2022); supporting comprehensive healthcare to all U.S. residents; and expressing support for the establishment of a Maryland Commission on Universal Health Care.adopt on first readerPass Action details Video Video
R-21-21 1  ResolutionMedicare for All - For the purpose of expressing support for Medicare for All, including expansion of the Medicare for All Act of 2021, H.R. 1976, 117th Cong. (2021-2022); supporting comprehensive healthcare to all U.S. residents; and expressing support for the establishment of a Maryland Commission on Universal Health Care.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video
R-21-21 1  ResolutionMedicare for All - For the purpose of expressing support for Medicare for All, including expansion of the Medicare for All Act of 2021, H.R. 1976, 117th Cong. (2021-2022); supporting comprehensive healthcare to all U.S. residents; and expressing support for the establishment of a Maryland Commission on Universal Health Care.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video
O-50-20 1  OrdinanceModerately Priced Dwelling Units - For the purpose of updating certain occupancy periods of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units; eliminating variations on defined terms; providing supplemental regulatory authority to the Director of Planning and Zoning; and generally relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.adopt on second readerPass Action details Video Video
O-50-20 1  OrdinanceModerately Priced Dwelling Units - For the purpose of updating certain occupancy periods of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units; eliminating variations on defined terms; providing supplemental regulatory authority to the Director of Planning and Zoning; and generally relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.adopt on third readerPass Action details Video Video
O-15-21 1  OrdinanceElections - Independent Expenditure Report - For the purpose of requiring the filing of Independent Expenditure Reports; providing reporting procedures and requirements; adopting state provisions; providing certain definitions; providing penalties; and generally relating to Independent Expenditure Reports.adopt on second readerPass Action details Video Video
O-15-21 1  OrdinanceElections - Independent Expenditure Report - For the purpose of requiring the filing of Independent Expenditure Reports; providing reporting procedures and requirements; adopting state provisions; providing certain definitions; providing penalties; and generally relating to Independent Expenditure Reports.adopt on third readerPass Action details Video Video
O-15-21 1  OrdinanceElections - Independent Expenditure Report - For the purpose of requiring the filing of Independent Expenditure Reports; providing reporting procedures and requirements; adopting state provisions; providing certain definitions; providing penalties; and generally relating to Independent Expenditure Reports.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video
O-15-21 1  OrdinanceElections - Independent Expenditure Report - For the purpose of requiring the filing of Independent Expenditure Reports; providing reporting procedures and requirements; adopting state provisions; providing certain definitions; providing penalties; and generally relating to Independent Expenditure Reports.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video
O-15-21 1  OrdinanceElections - Independent Expenditure Report - For the purpose of requiring the filing of Independent Expenditure Reports; providing reporting procedures and requirements; adopting state provisions; providing certain definitions; providing penalties; and generally relating to Independent Expenditure Reports.Cosponsor added  Action details Video Video