Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/27/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Mayor John T. Chambers, Jr. City Council Chambers
Special Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
AP-44-24 1  Appointment/ReappointmentRe-Appointment - Mr. Robert Hruby - Building Board of Appeals   Not available Video Video
AP-45-24 1  Appointment/ReappointmentRe-Appointment - Mr. John Jay Schwarz - Building Board of Appeals   Not available Video Video
SA-24-25 1  Supplemental AppropriationReforestation Fund - Planning & Zoning - FY2024 Reforestation Fund Balance/Contractual Services   Not available Video Video
FT-6-25 1  Budget Revision RequestGeneral - Department of Recreation and Parks (Pool) - Contractual Services - Supplies & Other   Not available Video Video
O-2-25 1  OrdinanceWRNR Radio Tower Lease With the City - For the purpose of entering a ground lease of the City-owned radio tower located at 25 Silopanna Road with Cortona Media LLC dba WRNR Radio, a Maryland limited liability company; and all matters relating to said lease.   Not available Not available
O-31-24 1  OrdinanceMobile Food Service Vendors' Signage - For the purpose of establishing sign requirements for Mobile Food Service Vendors, known as food trucks; and generally dealing with Peddlers, Hawkers and Itinerant Merchants operating restrictions.   Not available Video Video
O-31-24 1  OrdinanceMobile Food Service Vendors' Signage - For the purpose of establishing sign requirements for Mobile Food Service Vendors, known as food trucks; and generally dealing with Peddlers, Hawkers and Itinerant Merchants operating restrictions.   Not available Video Video
O-31-24 1  OrdinanceMobile Food Service Vendors' Signage - For the purpose of establishing sign requirements for Mobile Food Service Vendors, known as food trucks; and generally dealing with Peddlers, Hawkers and Itinerant Merchants operating restrictions.   Not available Video Video
O-31-24 1  OrdinanceMobile Food Service Vendors' Signage - For the purpose of establishing sign requirements for Mobile Food Service Vendors, known as food trucks; and generally dealing with Peddlers, Hawkers and Itinerant Merchants operating restrictions.   Not available Video Video
O-35-24 1  OrdinanceFair Cannabis Employment Practices- For the purpose of updating the City of Annapolis employment policy as a result of the State legalizing cannabis use and possession on July 1, 2023, and generally related to city employment policy.   Not available Video Video
O-35-24 1  OrdinanceFair Cannabis Employment Practices- For the purpose of updating the City of Annapolis employment policy as a result of the State legalizing cannabis use and possession on July 1, 2023, and generally related to city employment policy.   Not available Video Video
O-35-24 1  OrdinanceFair Cannabis Employment Practices- For the purpose of updating the City of Annapolis employment policy as a result of the State legalizing cannabis use and possession on July 1, 2023, and generally related to city employment policy.   Not available Video Video
O-35-24 1  OrdinanceFair Cannabis Employment Practices- For the purpose of updating the City of Annapolis employment policy as a result of the State legalizing cannabis use and possession on July 1, 2023, and generally related to city employment policy.   Not available Video Video
O-35-24 1  OrdinanceFair Cannabis Employment Practices- For the purpose of updating the City of Annapolis employment policy as a result of the State legalizing cannabis use and possession on July 1, 2023, and generally related to city employment policy.   Not available Video Video
R-3-25 1  ResolutionCity Dock Resiliency Project - For the purpose of demonstrating Annapolis City Council support for the City Dock Resiliency Project and the urgency of protecting Historic Downtown Annapolis along with the public safety of its residents and businesses from the constant and the growing threat of higher rising tides, as well as increasing frequent and more intense storms that cause extreme flooding and severe impacts to residents, businesses, public safety and the historic fabric of the City itself.   Not available Video Video
R-3-25 1  ResolutionCity Dock Resiliency Project - For the purpose of demonstrating Annapolis City Council support for the City Dock Resiliency Project and the urgency of protecting Historic Downtown Annapolis along with the public safety of its residents and businesses from the constant and the growing threat of higher rising tides, as well as increasing frequent and more intense storms that cause extreme flooding and severe impacts to residents, businesses, public safety and the historic fabric of the City itself.   Not available Video Video
R-3-25 1  ResolutionCity Dock Resiliency Project - For the purpose of demonstrating Annapolis City Council support for the City Dock Resiliency Project and the urgency of protecting Historic Downtown Annapolis along with the public safety of its residents and businesses from the constant and the growing threat of higher rising tides, as well as increasing frequent and more intense storms that cause extreme flooding and severe impacts to residents, businesses, public safety and the historic fabric of the City itself.   Not available Video Video