| 1 | | | Ceremonial Item | Citation for Outgoing City Poet Laureate, Maggie Benshaw | presented | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Supplemental Appropriation | General - Mayor's Office - Contributions from Whiting-Turner $3,000 - Special Projects - Mayor's Office $3,000 - This supplemental allocation appropriates $3,000 to the Mayor’s Special Projects account to utilize a contribution for the Hillman Garage opening. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Fund Transfer | General - Police - This budget revision reflects the 4th quarter transfer for the following for POLICE (Electricity, R&M Building, R&M Equipment, Telephone, Training & Education, Supplies, Contract Services, Capital Outlay, and R&M Vehicles): | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Fund Transfer | General - Fire - This budget revision reflects the 4th quarter transfer for the following for FIRE (Electricity, Salaries & Benefits, Telephone, Supplies, Contract Services, Copier, Supplies) | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Fund Transfer | General Fund, Self-Insurance, Transportation - Various - Boards, and Commissions: The Community Engagement Administrator's salary and benefits were erroneously omitted from the FY2023 adopted budget, Office of Law: Legal expenses were greater than anticipated, Management Information Technology: The projected overage is due to changes to employees' benefit selections, R&P Pip Moyer Salaries and benefits: The Department overspent its budget and an employee from the Parking Fund was transferred to Pip Moyer, R&P Pip Moyer Contractual Services: Electricity costs were greater than anticipated, R&P Administration: Former employee leave payout and VEBA chop costs. R&P Stanton Center Salaries and benefits: The Department overspent its budget, R&P Stanton Center Contractual Services: Electricity costs were greater than anticipated, Harbormaster: The increase in dock space and use of sick leave has been attributed to the overage, Self-Insurance: Workers compensation and general liability claims pay outs greater than anticipated, Transportation Operations Salaries and benefits: Projected overag | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | March on Washington 60th Anniversary Commemoration Waiver - For the purpose of waiving City Code restrictions on Major Events at City Dock two weeks in a row and authorizing the March on Washington 60th Anniversary Commemoration march and rally on August 26, 2023. | adopt on first reader | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Rocky Gorge Development Emergency Action - For the purpose of addressing the Rocky Gorge Development's "Aris T. Allen Boulevard" project, a 23-acre site platted for 48 single-family housing units; calling for an immediate stop work order on site development, and requiring a report on the project. | withdrawn without objection | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Payments in Lieu of Taxes Agreement with Forest Drive LIHTC, LLC - For the purpose of approving a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement between the City of Annapolis and Forest Drive LIHTC, LLC, for the construction of affordable housing units in Annapolis, Maryland. | adopt on second reader | Pass |
Action details