Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/13/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Mayor John T. Chambers, Jr. City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID-484-19 1  Informational ItemStantec Water and Sewer Rate Study 5,2,2019presented  Action details Not available
ID-488-19 1  Informational ItemGT-CM-18-19 Police/Public Information Officepresented  Action details Not available
ID-489-19 1  Informational ItemGT-CM-17-19 Harbormasterpresented  Action details Video Video
ID-490-19 1  Informational ItemGT-CM-16-19 Public Works-Streetspresented  Action details Video Video
CCM040819 1  JournalRegular Meeting MinutesapprovePass Action details Not available
AP-66-18 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Appointment of Olga Cortez to the Annapolis Education CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-73-19 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Marcie Taylor Thoma to the Heritage CommissionconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-95-19 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Raymond A. Lowman to the Recreation Advisory BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-97-19 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Frank P. Montgomery to the Recreation Advisory BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-98-19 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment Patricia Dawn Moyer to the Recreation Advisory BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-99-19 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Craig Harrison to the Recreation Advisory BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
AP-101-19 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Re-Appointment of Catherine Simmons-Jones to the Recreational Advisory BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
SA-47-19 1  Supplemental AppropriationPlanning and Zoning Revenue: General Fund Donations Traffic Impact 01065-483020 Expenditure: Planning and Zoning Contract Services 01170-530800approvePass Action details Not available
SA-48-19 1  Supplemental AppropriationPublic Works Revenue: Annapolis Downtown Partnership-Green Recycling/Downtown Recycling Cans Grant Expenditure: Other Grant SuppliesapprovePass Action details Not available
SA-51-19 1  Supplemental AppropriationFire Department - Revenue: CPR/First AID/AED Training to Singles on Sailboats Club Expenditure: Fire Department Supplies ($414) Fire Department Overtime ($966)approvePass Action details Not available
SA-52-19 1  Supplemental AppropriationRecreation and Parks – Youth Triathlon – Revenue: General Fund Gifts and Donations Expenditure: Youth Triathlon SuppliesapprovePass Action details Not available
SA-53-19 1  Supplemental AppropriationRecreation and Parks - Stanton Center - Revenue: General Fund Gifts and Donations Expenditure: Stanton Center SuppliesapprovePass Action details Not available
SA-54-19 1  Supplemental AppropriationRecreation and Parks - Stanton Center - Revenue: General Fund Gifts and Donations Expenditure: Stanton Center SuppliesapprovePass Action details Not available
SA-55-19 1  Supplemental AppropriationRecreation and Parks - Memorial Tree/Bench - Revenue: General Fund Gifts and Donations Expenditure: Recreation and Parks Landscape/GroundsapprovePass Action details Not available
SA-56-19 1  Supplemental AppropriationOffice Of Emergency Management - Revenue: County Grant FY19 Opioid Intervention Team Overdose Free Annapolis ($12,200); County Grant FY19 Opioid Intervention Team Naptown Anti-dope Movement ($15,000); County Grant FY19 Opioid Intervention Team Your Life Matters ($3,541); Expenditure: Contract Services FY19 Opioid Intervention Team Overdose Free Annapolis ($10,000); Training and Education FY19 Opioid Intervention Team Overdose Free Annapolis ($2,200); Supplies FY19 Opioid Intervention Team Naptown Anti-dope Movement ($10,000); Contract Services FY10 Opioid Intervention Team Naptown Anti-dope Movement ($5,000); Training and Education FY10 Opioid Intervention Team Your Life Matters (3,541)approvePass Action details Not available
R-22-19 1  Resolution2019 Special Election - Ward 6 - For the purpose of authorizing the City of Annapolis to contract with the Anne Arundel County Board of Elections to administer the City of Annapolis Special Primary and General Elections that will take place on June 4, 2019 and July 2, 2019, respectively.adopt on first readerPass Action details Not available
R-23-19 1  ResolutionChesapeake Bay Awareness Week - For the purpose of recognizing the third annual Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week from June 2-10, 2019; and urging Annapolis residents and guests to participate in the plethora of educational and environmental events, activities, and programs that are designed to increase awareness of the importance of the Chesapeake Bay to the State, the region, and the United States.adopt on first readerPass Action details Not available
R-23-19 1  ResolutionChesapeake Bay Awareness Week - For the purpose of recognizing the third annual Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week from June 2-10, 2019; and urging Annapolis residents and guests to participate in the plethora of educational and environmental events, activities, and programs that are designed to increase awareness of the importance of the Chesapeake Bay to the State, the region, and the United States.   Action details Not available
R-25-19 1  ResolutionCity Ownership of Bembe BeachPort Williams Marina, support for Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating’s Adaptive Boating Center - For the purpose of supporting the City’s ownership of a marina on Back Creek off Bembe Beach Road, to be purchased as a City-County-State partnership utilizing Program Open Space monies, for use by the Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating’s (CRAB) Adaptive Boating Center.adopt on first readerPass Action details Not available
R-16-19 1  ResolutionFY 2020 Fees Schedule Effective July 1, 2019 - For the purpose of specifying fees that will be charged for the use of City services for FY 2019.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
R-17-19 1  ResolutionFY 2020 Fines Schedule Effective July 1, 2019 - For the purpose of specifying fines that will be charged for FY 2020.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-17-19 1  OrdinanceANNUAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AND PROPERTY TAX LEVY - For the purpose of adopting the City Budget, comprising the Annual Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, the Capital Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, the Capital Improvement Program for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2021, June 30, 2022, June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024, and June 30, 2025; appropriating funds for all expenditures for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020; levying and imposing a property tax for the use of the City of Annapolis for the taxable year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30,2020; and fixing the rate of the City property tax for the taxable year.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
ID-462-19 1  Informational ItemCITY OF ANNAPOLIS NOTICE OF A PROPOSED REAL PROPERTY TAX INCREASE - The City Council of City of Annapolis proposes to increase real property taxes. 1. For the tax year beginning July 1, 2019, the estimated real property assessable base will increase by 2.109%, from $6,670,084,346 to $6,810,780,652. 2. If City of Annapolis maintains the current tax rate of $0.7380 per $100 of assessment, real property tax revenues will increase by 2.109 % resulting in $1,038,339 of new property tax revenues. 3. In order to fully offset the effect of increasing assessments, the real property tax rate should be reduced to $0.7228, the constant yield tax rate. 4. The City of Annapolis is considering not reducing its real property tax rate enough to fully offset increasing assessments. The City of Annapolis proposes to adopt a real property tax rate of $0.7380 per $100 of assessment. This tax rate is 2.109 % higher than the constant yield tax rate and will generate $1,038,339 in additional property tax revenues.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-42-18 1  OrdinanceSidewalk Signs - For the purpose of authorizing sidewalk signs with certain conditions; providing a definition of “sidewalk sign”; and providing for a delayed effective date of the sidewalk sign permit fee.adopt on second readerPass Action details Video Video
O-42-18 1  OrdinanceSidewalk Signs - For the purpose of authorizing sidewalk signs with certain conditions; providing a definition of “sidewalk sign”; and providing for a delayed effective date of the sidewalk sign permit fee.amendedPass Action details Video Video
O-42-18 1  OrdinanceSidewalk Signs - For the purpose of authorizing sidewalk signs with certain conditions; providing a definition of “sidewalk sign”; and providing for a delayed effective date of the sidewalk sign permit fee.adopt as amendedPass Action details Video Video
O-42-18 1  OrdinanceSidewalk Signs - For the purpose of authorizing sidewalk signs with certain conditions; providing a definition of “sidewalk sign”; and providing for a delayed effective date of the sidewalk sign permit fee.adopt on third readerPass Action details Video Video
O-1-19 1  OrdinanceFair Housing - Protected Classes - For the purpose of adding protected classes to the Annapolis Fair Housing laws and including additional unlawful housing practices; and generally relating to Fair Housing.adopt on second readerPass Action details Video Video
O-1-19 1  OrdinanceFair Housing - Protected Classes - For the purpose of adding protected classes to the Annapolis Fair Housing laws and including additional unlawful housing practices; and generally relating to Fair Housing.amendedPass Action details Video Video
O-1-19 1  OrdinanceFair Housing - Protected Classes - For the purpose of adding protected classes to the Annapolis Fair Housing laws and including additional unlawful housing practices; and generally relating to Fair Housing.adopt as amendedPass Action details Video Video
O-1-19 1  OrdinanceFair Housing - Protected Classes - For the purpose of adding protected classes to the Annapolis Fair Housing laws and including additional unlawful housing practices; and generally relating to Fair Housing.adopt on third readerPass Action details Video Video
R-19-19 1  ResolutionCity Sponsored Special Events in Fiscal Year 2020 - For the purpose of identifying City Sponsored Special Events; and waiving certain related City Fees during Fiscal Year 2020.adopt on second readerPass Action details Video Video
O-24-19 1  OrdinanceCandidacy Requirements in Special Electionsadopt on first readerPass Action details Not available
R-24-19 1  ResolutionCommunity Celebration on June 28, 2019 - For the purpose of declaring that the Community Celebration at Maryland Hall on June 28, 2019, is a City sponsored event.adopt on first readerPass Action details Not available