Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/9/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Mayor John T. Chambers, Jr. City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID-591-19 1  Informational ItemProclamation - U.S. Naval Academy Midshipman - Crew of Zaraffapresented  Action details Video Video
ID-585-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Max Shapiropresented  Action details Video Video
ID-587-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Watermark Cruise Employees - Captain Alan Elder, Captain Dean Scarborough and Ticket Agent Luke Nespolepresented  Action details Video Video
ID-588-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Boatyard Personnel - Chase Dooley, Lauren Beard and Lauren VanBenCotenpresented  Action details Video Video
ID-592-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Jazzlyn Adamspresented  Action details Video Video
ID-597-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Maritime Advisorypresented  Action details Video Video
ID-598-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Kennedy Trustypresented  Action details Video Video
ID-599-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Ashley M. Trustypresented  Action details Video Video
ID-600-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Juwann and Renee Smithpresented  Action details Video Video
ID-600-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Juwann and Renee Smithpresented  Action details Video Video
ID-601-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Cory "Flawless" McGeepresented  Action details Video Video
ID-602-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Michael Kellypresented  Action details Video Video
ID-603-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Dee Wardpresented  Action details Video Video
ID-604-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Dashawn Thomaspresented  Action details Video Video
ID-608-19 1  Informational ItemCity Council Citation - Serving Together Community Backpack Fest 2019presented  Action details Video Video
CM-1-20 1  Fund TransferFund: General - Department: Office of Emergency Management Departmentpresented  Action details Not available
CCM073119 1  JournalSpecial Meeting MinutesapprovePass Action details Not available
AP-118-19 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Appointment of Roberto Veloso to the Civil Service BoardconfirmPass Action details Not available
SA-7-20 1  Supplemental AppropriationRecreation and Parks - Youth Triathlon Revenue: General Fund Gifts and Donations ($2,945.00) Expenditure: Outdoor Recreation - Youth Triathlon Supplies (2,945.00)approvePass Action details Not available
SA-8-20 1  Supplemental AppropriationFire Department Revenue: State Operating Grant Revenue - MIEMSS - State Homeland Security Grant ($9420.00) Expenditure: MIEMSS - State Homeland Security - Supplies ($9420.00)approvePass Action details Not available
O-18-19 1  OrdinanceDepartment of the Environment - For the purpose of creating a Department of the Environment, dissolving the Office of Environmental Policy; transferring regulatory authority for Forest Conservation from the Department of Planning and Zoning to the Department of the Environment; consolidating environmental compliance, and inspection responsibilities, under the Department of the Environment; transferring the stormwater management program to the Department of the Environment; assigning the liaison for the Annapolis Conservancy Board to the Department of the Environment; assigning consideration of Title 19 matters to the Environmental Matters Committee; making technical corrections; and generally relating to the Department of the Environment.presented  Action details Not available
O-18-19 1  OrdinanceDepartment of the Environment - For the purpose of creating a Department of the Environment, dissolving the Office of Environmental Policy; transferring regulatory authority for Forest Conservation from the Department of Planning and Zoning to the Department of the Environment; consolidating environmental compliance, and inspection responsibilities, under the Department of the Environment; transferring the stormwater management program to the Department of the Environment; assigning the liaison for the Annapolis Conservancy Board to the Department of the Environment; assigning consideration of Title 19 matters to the Environmental Matters Committee; making technical corrections; and generally relating to the Department of the Environment.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Not available
O-20-19 1  OrdinanceDwellings above the ground floor of nonresidential uses in the B1, Convenience Shopping District, and B2, Community Shopping District - For the purpose of creating standards for dwellings permitted above nonresidential uses in certain commercial districts; and matters generally relating to regulation of such dwellings.presented  Action details Video Video
O-20-19 1  OrdinanceDwellings above the ground floor of nonresidential uses in the B1, Convenience Shopping District, and B2, Community Shopping District - For the purpose of creating standards for dwellings permitted above nonresidential uses in certain commercial districts; and matters generally relating to regulation of such dwellings.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-21-19 1  OrdinanceModerately Priced Dwelling Units - For the purpose of extending the occupancy periods for the sale and rental of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (“MPDUs”); increasing the minimum requirements for the designation of MPDUs for sale and rental developments; updating definitions; increasing the required number of MPDUs proportionate to the approved development density; removing the contribution in lieu of developing MPDUs option; making stylistic changes; and generally relating to MPDUs.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Not available
O-21-19 1  OrdinanceModerately Priced Dwelling Units - For the purpose of extending the occupancy periods for the sale and rental of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (“MPDUs”); increasing the minimum requirements for the designation of MPDUs for sale and rental developments; updating definitions; increasing the required number of MPDUs proportionate to the approved development density; removing the contribution in lieu of developing MPDUs option; making stylistic changes; and generally relating to MPDUs.presented  Action details Not available
O-29-19 1  OrdinancePurchasing and Procurement - For the purpose of establishing and enacting purchasing and procurement laws for the City of Annapolis.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-30-19 1  OrdinanceSidewalk Signs - For the purpose of authorizing the Director of Planning and Zoning to revoke or suspend a sign permit approval in certain circumstances; and providing for a delayed effective date of the sidewalk sign permit fee.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-31-19 1  OrdinanceCity Council Meetings - Rules of Procedure - For the purpose of modifying the time to present petitions, reports, and communications.declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-32-19 1  OrdinanceIssuance of General Obligation Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes - For the purpose of authorizing and empowering the City of Annapolis (the “City”) to issue and sell, upon its full faith and credit, (i) one or more series of its general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $17,375,072 (the “Bonds”), pursuant to Sections 19-301 through 19-309, inclusive, of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, and Article VII, Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Annapolis, as amended (the “Charter”), (ii) one or more series of its general obligation bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of the Bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount equal to the maximum aggregate principal amount of the Bonds (the “Notes”), pursuant to Sections 19-211 through 19-221, inclusive, of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended and the Charter and (iii) one or more series of its general obligation bonds to refund specified bonds previously issued by the City in the aggregate principal amount notdeclare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
O-33-19 1  OrdinanceModification of use of unexpended proceeds of certain of the general obligation bonds of the City of Annapolis - For the purpose of modifying the use of unexpended proceeds of the City’s Public Improvements and Refunding Bonds, 2012 Series, the City’s Public Improvements Bonds, 2013 Series, the City’s Public Improvements Bonds, 2015 Series A, and the City’s Public Improvements Bonds, 2016 Series A (Tax-Exempt).declare the public hearing closed  Action details Video Video
R-40-19 1  ResolutionClassic Wooden Boat Rendezvous & Race - Docking Fee Waiver - For the purpose of waiving docking fees at the Annapolis City Dock for participants of the 2019 Classic Wooden Boat Rendezvous & Race.adopt on second readerPass Action details Video Video
R-40-19 1  ResolutionClassic Wooden Boat Rendezvous & Race - Docking Fee Waiver - For the purpose of waiving docking fees at the Annapolis City Dock for participants of the 2019 Classic Wooden Boat Rendezvous & Race.reconsiderPass Action details Video Video
R-40-19 1  ResolutionClassic Wooden Boat Rendezvous & Race - Docking Fee Waiver - For the purpose of waiving docking fees at the Annapolis City Dock for participants of the 2019 Classic Wooden Boat Rendezvous & Race.postponePass Action details Video Video
AP-59-18 1  Appointment/ReappointmentThe Appointment of Pegeen Townsend to the Ethics CommissionpostponePass Action details Video Video
O-27-19 1  OrdinanceCritical Area Overlay - For the purpose of updating and amending the City of Annapolis critical area overlay district code provisions in accordance with State law; streamlining enforcement provisions and appeal procedures; relocating and updating definitions; adding reasonable accommodations provisions for the needs of disabled citizens pursuant to State law; adding Buffer Management Plan and Buffer Exemption Area policies; adding references to the Critical Area 10 percent Rule Guidance Manual, adding lot coverage percentages for certain zoning districts; adding lot consolidation provisions; consolidating grandfathering provisions; adding applicability and identification of water-dependent facilities; and making certain stylistic changes.refer  Action details Not available