City Budget: Referrals to the Financial Advisory Commission - For the purpose of authorizing the referral of the annual operating budget and capital budget with the capital improvement program to the Financial Advisory Commission upon introduction of the ordinances before the City Council.
City of Annapolis
Ordinance 7-14-Amended
Introduced by: Alderman Littmann and Mayor Pantelides
Referred to
Finance Committee
Financial Advisory Committee
Rules Committee
A ORDINANCE concerning
City Budget: Referrals to the Financial Advisory Commission
FOR the purpose of authorizing the referral of the annual operating budget and capital budget with the capital improvement program to the Financial Advisory Commission upon introduction of the ordinances before the City Council.
BY repealing and re-enacting with amendments the following portions of the Code of the City of Annapolis, 2013 Edition
Section 6.16.010
Section 6.16.030
Section 6.16.060
Section 6.16.070
SECTION I: BE IT ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the Code of the City of Annapolis shall be amended to read as follows:
6.16.010 Annual City budget.
A. The Mayor shall submit the proposed annual operating budget, including the impact of any labor negotiations that are ready for City Council review under Section 3.32.060, to the City Council no later than the second Monday in March of each year. Upon introduction, Tthe budget shall be referred only to the Finance Committee, which shall review and may make recommendations with regard to the budget and shall submit the budget, together with any recommendations, to the City Council not later than the second Monday in May of each year; and to the Financial Advisory Commission to provide a recommendation to the City Council on the annual operating budget.
B. The annual operating budget adopted by the City Council shall provide a complete financial plan for the fiscal year and shall contain estimates of anticipated revenues and proposed expenditures. The budget shall be divided into the following fund groups: general fund, off-street parking fund, dock fund, market house fund, transportation fund, storm water management fund and refuse collection fund group, and water fund and sewer fund group. The total of the anticipated revenues and any estimated fund balance or retained earnings available for expenditure during the fiscal year within each of the aforesaid categories shall equal or exceed the total of the proposed expenditures within the category. Within each of the aforesaid categories, a portion of the estimated fund equity equivalent to five percent of the associated operation budget shall not be appropriated. Furthermore, unless authorized by the City Council, a portion equivalent to an additional five percent of the associated operating budget shall be comprised of cash or cash equivalents and shall not be appropriated. The budget within each category will be a line-item budget. In addition, under the line items of special projects and contract services there will be an itemization of the expenses to be budgeted. The budget shall be a public record in the office of the Director of Finance, open to public inspection during normal business hours.
6.16.030 Capital improvement program and budget.
A. The Mayor shall submit a proposed capital budget for the ensuing fiscal year and a capital improvement program for the ensuing five fiscal years to the City Council and the Planning Commission no later than the second Monday in March of each year.
B. The proposed capital improvement program and budget shall be reviewed by the Finance Committee and a recommendation made to the City Council by the second Monday in May of each year. Upon introduction, the budget shall also be referred To the Financial Advisory Commission to provide a recommendation to the City Council on the capital improvement program and budget.
C. The proposed capital improvement program and budget shall be placed upon the agenda of the Planning Commission at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The agenda shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City seven days prior to the meeting. At this meeting, the commission may accept evidence and testimony as it may judge to be relevant to the proper consideration of the budget and program.
D. The Planning Commission shall review the proposed capital improvement program and budget and submit its recommendations to the City Council no later than the second Monday in May of each year.
E. On or before June 30th, the City Council shall approve a capital budget for the ensuing fiscal year and a capital improvement program for the five fiscal years following the fiscal year.
F. No obligations of the City shall be authorized in any fiscal year for or on account of any capital project not included in the capital budget.
6.16.060 Standards for making OPERATING AND/OR CAPITAL grants to non-profit organizations.
A 1. Subject to the availability of funds, the City will consider funding an operating and/or capital grant to a non-profit organization with aN APPLICATION submission that meets all of the following standards:. AN OPERATING GRANT PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR THE DAY-TO-DAY COSTS OF RUNNING THE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. A CAPITAL GRANT PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY, THE CONSTRUCTION, REMODELING, OR EXPANSION OF A FACILITY, OR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT.
2 B. Provides plans for securing funding from sources other than those provided by the City of Annapolis DEMONSTRATES THE ABILITY TO SECURE FUNDING FROM ENTITIES OTHER THAN THE CITY OF ANNAPOLIS.
4 C. Represents a cooperative effort among the GRANT applicant, the community, and other private and/or public partners.
5 D. In appropriate circumstances, displays creative INNOVATIVE ways of helping people help themselves.
6 E. Provides activities in support of ENHANCES the City's goal of providing a system in which all residents of the City of Annapolis have access to services that sustain and enhance the quality of life and are equitable, effective, accountable, and responsive to changing community needs.
B 2. Application will be independently reviewed and graded according to the standards in section 3. by a committee which shall include a City staff person responsible for writing grants selected by the Mayor or his or her designee, a Finance Department staff member designated by the Finance Director, and two community volunteers designated by the City Council's Finance Committee who have experience as grant reviewers but no affiliation with any of the applicants in the corresponding grant cycle. THERE SHALL BE A COMMITTEE CONVENED TO REVIEW AND RATE APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF ANNAPOLIS FOR AN OPERATING AND/OR CAPITAL GRANT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA IN SECTION 6.16.060 C. THE COMMITTEE SHALL CONSIST OF: THE MAYOR'S DESIGNATED STAFF PERSON; A STAFF MEMBER FROM THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT, DESIGNATED BY THE FINANCE DIRECTOR; AND TWO COMMUNITY MEMBERS RECOMMENDED FROM THE CITY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCE AS GRANT REVIEWERS BUT NO AFFILIATION WITH ANY OF THE APPLICATIONS IN THE CORRESPONDING GRANT CYCLE.
C 3. Review and grading standards AND RATING CRITERIA:
2. Description, i.e., that OF HOW the goals, objectives, activities, and procedures are complete and clearly stated MEET THE STANDARDS IN SECTION 6.16.060 A.;, AN OUTLINE OF THE PROPOSED methodology is appropriate,; and THE PROJECTED long-term impact in clearly stated IN THE COMMUNITY: 30 points;
3. Timeline DEMONSTRATES A REASONABLE COURSE TO ACHIEVING THE DESIRED RESULTS is achievable and complete: 10 points;
4. Outlines a plan for the eEvaluation of measurable outcomes: 20 points;
5. Budget is included that gives TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE detail as to THE ORGANIZATION'S expenseS and revenues INCLUDING THOSE RELATED TO THE REQUESTED GRANT: 20 points.
6.16.070 Non-profit organizations quarterly reports.
A. All non-profit organizations receiving funding OR GRANTS from the City of Annapolis are required to SHALL provide quarterly reports TO THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT within thirty days of the close of each quarter., which ANNUAL QUARTERLY ENDING DATES are September 30, December 31, March 31, and June 30 on forms provided by the Finance Department of their use of funds to the Finance Department and Office of Youth and Community Services. THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHALL DEVELOP AND PROVIDE THE FORMS FOR A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION TO USE IN PREPARING THE REPORTS THIS SECTION REQUIRES.
B. The Finance Department shall prepare a list of these NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION QUARTERLY reports and send the list to each City Council member ON A REGULAR BASIS. From this list, a CITY COUNCIL member may request that the Finance Department promptly send the THAT member one or more of the ACTUAL REQUESTED reports. Each non-profit organization which has submitted a quarterly report shall have a representative appear before the Finance Committee (September/February) to present an accounting of the use of CITY AND ITS OWN funds and to answer questions as needed. Any non-profit organization that completely expends the City portion of funding need not comply with this sSection once a final written accounting of the expenditures are provided to the City Council'S SATISFACTION.
C B. Failure to comply with this section will result in the denial of future funding OR GRANTS FROM THE CITY.
SECTION II: AND BE IT FURTHER ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that this Ordinance shall take effect from the date of its passage.
CAPITAL LETTERS indicate matter added to existing law.
Strikethrough indicates matter stricken from existing law.
Underlining indicates amendments.