Maryland Clean Energy Jobs Initiative - For the purpose of supporting the goals of the Clean Energy Jobs Initiative and calling on the State of Maryland to implement its proposals to improve our citizens' access to clean energy jobs.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 4-18
Introduced by: Alderman Rodriguez, Mayor Buckley, Alderman Savidge,
Alderwoman Tierney, Alderman Arnett and Alderwoman Henson
A RESOLUTION concerning
Maryland Clean Energy Jobs Initiative
WHEREAS, clean, renewable energy creates jobs in Maryland. The state has more than 170 solar companies and over 5,400 solar jobs. The wind industry, meanwhile, has brought more than $380 million in private investment into Maryland's economy to date. These jobs lead to good-paying careers within these industries and across related economic sectors. Increasing Maryland's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to 50% renewable electricity by 2030 would support new high-paying Maryland jobs, and increase GDP due to construction of new Maryland-based renewable energy; and
WHEREAS, Maryland is a coastal state with 3,000 miles of tidal shoreline, thus making us one of the most vulnerable states in America to sea level rise. Climate change also means more severe storms, increased precipitation, deepening periodic droughts, and other detrimental impacts. Increasing Maryland's RPS to 50% clean power by 2030 would reduce 8.1 million metric tons of CO2, which is the carbon equivalent of taking 1.7 million cars off the road each year; and
WHEREAS, fossil fuel-based and other forms of outdated energy generation emit pollution that creates a public health crisis. Air pollution from old and carbon-intensive energy is costing Marylanders' their education and their paycheck through missed school and work and increasing health care expenses. Increasing Maryland's RPS to 50% by 2030 would improve the air in our region, preventing up to 290 premature deaths and over 3,000 asthma attacks per year;...
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