Rental Operating Licenses and Inspections of Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis Properties - For the purpose of requiring rental operating licenses and inspections of Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis properties.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 26-19
Introduced by: Alderman Rodriguez, Alderwoman Finlayson,
Alderwoman Tierney, Alderman Savidge, Alderwoman PindellCharles
and Alderman Paone
A RESOLUTION concerning
Rental Operating Licenses and Inspections of
Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis Properties
FOR the purpose of requiring rental operating licenses and inspections of Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis properties.
WHEREAS, the City of Annapolis has the primary authority, under its police powers, to provide for the general welfare of all residents of the City of Annapolis; and
WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis ("HACA") provides public housing to hundreds of Annapolis citizens and their families; and
WHEREAS, the City of Annapolis and HACA have an obligation to protect the health and safety of public housing residents; and
WHEREAS, the City of Annapolis and HACA have the responsibility to ensure that HACA properties are held to the same safety, sanitary, and habitable standards found throughout the City; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to 24 CFR ? 902.20, federal law requires the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") to inspect the physical conditions of public housing, but such inspections do not relieve HACA from its own obligation to inspect its housing units; and
WHEREAS, in addition to conducting inspections, HACA is responsible for emergency, routine, and preventative maintenance services; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Housing and Community Development Article ("HCD"), ? 12-403, Maryland law requires all public housing properties of HACA be "subject to the planning, zoning, sanitary, health, fire, housing, subdivisi...
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