Revisions to Development Review - For the purpose of providing a uniform review process for all significant projects and requiring early public input on substantial projects by requiring that a community meeting be held for subdivision applications that contain a new street, Major Site Design Plan Applications and Planned Development Applications; clarifying preliminary application procedures; expanding the notice requirements under Division II of the Zoning Code; revising the procedures for major site design plan applications and planned development applications; and matters generally relating to the review process for all significant and substantial projects.
City of Annapolis
Ordinance 35-17
Introduced by: Alderman Budge and Alderman Arnett
Referred to
Planning Commission
Rules and City Government Committee
AN ORDINANCE concerning
Revisions to Development Review
FOR the purpose of providing a uniform review process for all significant projects and requiring early public input on substantial projects by requiring that a community meeting be held for subdivision applications that contain a new street, Major Site Design Plan Applications and Planned Development Applications; clarifying preliminary application procedures; expanding the notice requirements under Division II of the Zoning Code; revising the procedures for major site design plan applications and planned development applications; and matters generally relating to the review process for all significant projects.
BY repealing and re-enacting with amendments the following portions of the Code of the City of Annapolis, 2016 Edition
Section 20.08.020
Section 20.08.040
Section 21.10.010
Section 21.10.020
Section 21.22.060
SECTION 21.22.120
Section 21.24.070
WHEREAS, the Annapolis City Council desires to promote discussions between real estate developers and the community surrounding significant developments early in the design process; and
WHEREAS, numerous par...
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