Annapolis City Dock - Urban Land Institute, Baltimore Technical Assistance Panel, January 29, 2019, Report "Reclaiming a Local and National Treasure" - For the purpose recognizing the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Baltimore Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) Report; and resolving that the ULI Baltimore TAP Report be considered in implementing present and future development of the Annapolis City Dock.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 11-19
Introduced by: Alderwoman Tierney, Alderman Rodriguez, Alderman Savidge
and Alderwoman Pindell Charles
A RESOLUTION concerning
Annapolis City Dock - Urban Land Institute, Baltimore Technical Assistance Panel, January 29, 2019, Report "Reclaiming a Local and National Treasure"
FOR the purpose of recognizing the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Baltimore Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) Report; and resolving that the ULI Baltimore TAP Report be considered in implementing present and future development of the Annapolis City Dock.
WHEREAS, the 2009 Annapolis Comprehensive Plan called for a plan for the future of City Dock to be drafted by the Planning & Zoning Department with broad participation by the entire community, as well as downtown residents and businesses; and
WHEREAS, in November of 2010, the City Dock Advisory Committee was formed, comprised of 25 residents, downtown merchants and representatives of maritime interests; and
WHEREAS, the City Dock Advisory Committee solicited community input, held public meetings, received 29 presentations, deliberated upon the community input, explored the committee members own ideas for City Dock, and developed their Visions and Guiding Principles, which the Committee reported to City Council on July 21, 2011; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Zoning, with the advice of the City Dock Advisory Committee and the assistance of professional consultants, conducted public forums, solicited input from stakeholders, held public meetings, and developed a Dra...
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