An Ad Hoc Committee to Study the 2013 Municipal Election and Make Recommendations, If Needed, to Improve the City Code, Structure, and Procedures for City Elections - For the purpose of establishing an ad hoc committee to study the 2013 municipal election and make recommendations, if needed, to improve the City Code, structure, and procedures for elections in the City of Annapolis.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 9-14 Amended
Introduced by: Alderman Littmann and Alderwoman Pindell-Charles
Co-Sponsored by: Mayor Pantelides, Alderman Budge, Alderman Pfeiffer, and
Alderman Kirby
Referred to
Rules and City Government
A RESOLUTION concerning
An Ad Hoc Committee to Study the 2013 Municipal Election and Make Recommendations, If Needed, to Improve the City Code, Structure, and Procedures for City Elections
FOR the purpose of establishing an ad hoc committee to study the 2013 municipal election and make recommendations, if needed, to improve the City Code, structure, and procedures for elections in the City of Annapolis.
WHEREAS, the 2013 City election for Mayor and for Alderman of Ward 2 were decided by absentee and provisional ballots. The narrow margins in both these races focused the community's attention on the process for providing, processing, validating and counting a few hundred absentee and provisional ballots; and
WHEREAS, the City of Annapolis recognizes, in particular, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 as a landmark piece of legislation that prohibits discrimination in voting, and therefore, the City of Annapolis abhors any efforts that would inhibit or thwart or any attempt to inhibit or thwart any person who proceeds to legitimately exercise his or her right to vote; and
WHEREAS, the chairs of both Central Committees have called on the City Council to conduct an investigation into the 2013 City election; and
WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the issues and concerns that were identified in ...
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