Reclassifying the Deputy Director of Emergency Management - For the purpose of approving the reclassification of the Deputy Director of Emergency Management to a Grade 18; and specifying an effective date.
City of Annapolis
Resolution 28-23
Introduced by: Alderwoman Pindell Charles
Co-sponsored by: Ald. Finlayson, Ald. Gay
A RESOLUTION concerning
Reclassifying the Deputy Director of Emergency Management
FOR the purpose of approving the reclassification of the Deputy Director of Emergency Management to a Grade 18; and specifying an effective date.
WHEREAS, Section 11.48.060 C. of the City Code states that the Office of Emergency Management is responsible for: Coordinating all components of the local emergency management program; coordinating the emergency planning process; coordinating damage assessments; coordinating the provision of aid; advising and informing local officials about emergency management activities during an incident; developing and executing public awareness and education programs; conducting annual exercises; developing mutual aid and assistance agreements; involving the private sector and non-governmental organizations in planning, training, and exercises; coordinating Homeland Security grants and other grants;
WHEREAS, Section 11.48.040 C. of the City Code states that "During a declared local state of emergency or public emergency, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management shall: 1. Coordinate the activities of City departments in all actions that serve to prevent or alleviate the ill effects of the imminent or actual emergency; and 2. Coordinate the receipt of aid, such as response personnel, equipment, or facilities, to City departments from local, state, or federal jurisdictions or from other sources, as needed."
WHEREAS, the Office of Emergency Management has substantial responsibilities in supporting the safety of City of Annapolis communities, and in producing funds to help realize th...
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