File #: O-23-21    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Adopted
File created: 6/10/2021 In control: Environmental Matters Committee
On agenda: 6/28/2021 Final action: 7/26/2021
Title: Annapolis Harbor Lines - 222 Severn Avenue - For the purpose of amending the configuration of the Annapolis harbor line outboard of 222 Severn Avenue on Spa Creek; and generally related to said harbor line.
Sponsors: Ross Arnett
Indexes: Board of Port Wardens, Environmental Matters Committee, Maritime Advisory Board
Attachments: 1. O-23-21 First Reader, 2. O-23-21 Exhibits, 3. O-23-21 Staff Report, 4. O-23-21 Fiscal Impact Note, 5. O-23-21 MAB Recommendation, 6. O-23-21 Exhibits - Revised 6-28-21, 7. O-23-21 SIGNED
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
7/26/20211 City Council adopt on second readerPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
7/26/20211 City Council adopt on third readerPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
7/21/20211 Environmental Matters Committee recommend favorablyPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/28/20211 City Council declare the public hearing closed  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/14/20211 City Council adopt on first readerPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/14/20211 City Council refer to Annapolis Education Commission  Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/14/20211 City Council refer to Annapolis Education Commission  Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/14/20211 City Council refer to Annapolis Education Commission  Action details Meeting details Video Video


Annapolis Harbor Lines - 222 Severn Avenue - For the purpose of amending the configuration of the Annapolis harbor line outboard of 222 Severn Avenue on Spa Creek; and generally related to said harbor line. 



City of Annapolis


Ordinance 23-21


Introduced by: Alderman Arnett

Co-sponsored by:


Referred to

Board of Port Wardens

Maritime Advisory Board

Environmental Matters Committee


AN ORDINANCE concerning


Annapolis Harbor Lines - 222 Severn Avenue


FOR                     the purpose of amending the configuration of the Annapolis harbor line outboard of 222 Severn Avenue on Spa Creek; and generally related to said harbor line.


BY                     repealing and reenacting with amendments the maps entitled “Annapolis Harbor Lines” as referenced in the Code of the City of Annapolis Section 15.18.020.A.


WHEREAS,                     the City Council on February 11, 1980, adopted Ordinance O-97-79 establishing Chapter 10, Harbors and Waterfront Areas, which provided for regulations for the orderly development, control and management of the waterways, structures installed in the waterways, and associated waterfront areas; and


WHEREAS,                     the City Council on May 28, 1986, adopted Ordinance O-13-86, which re-codified Chapter 10 as Title 15; and


WHEREAS,                     the City Council on February 10, 2003, adopted Ordinance O-31-02, which extensively amended Title 15; and


WHEREAS,                     City Code Section 15.18.020.A indicates that the location of the harbor lines in the waterways is shown on the maps entitled “Annapolis Harbor Lines”; and


WHEREAS,                     the harbor line defines the maximum channelward limits of marine construction for a given developable waterway area; and


WHEREAS,                     the maps and all notations, dimensions, references and other data shown on the maps entitled “Annapolis Harbor Lines,” and properly attested amendments thereto, are part of the Annapolis City Code; and


WHEREAS,                     the City Council adopted Ordinance O-30-00 to adjust the harbor line map to legitimize existing slips located at 222 Severn Avenue which pre-dated the original drawing of the harbor line per the attached aerial photo; and


WHEREAS,                     during inquiries to the City of Annapolis Department of Planning & Zoning in advance of a pier building permit application, it was noted that the City of Annapolis does not have a record of the amended Harbor Line Map originally attached to O-30-00; and


WHEREAS,                     the piers and mooring pilings at 222 Severn Ave. were lawfully installed and are in the same location as they were when Ordinance 0-30-00 was adopted with an amended Harbor Line Map which amended Map cannot be currently located; and


WHEREAS,                     City Code Section 15.18.030 (B) provides in the WMM zone “ where piers and mooring pilings have been installed lawfully in the waterways and extend channelward less than one-fourth of the minimum distance to the opposite shoreline, the harbor line provisionally is located no further channelward than one-fourth the minimum distance to the opposite shoreline"; and


WHEREAS,                     the piers and mooring pilings at 222 Severn Ave. extend channelward less than one-fourth of the minimum distance to the opposite shoreline; and


WHEREAS,                     the proposed amendment to the harbor line for 222 Severn Ave. will be less than one-fourth of the minimum distance to the opposite shoreline; and


WHEREAS,                     the Annapolis City Council has, from time to time, amended the “Annapolis Harbor Lines”; and


WHEREAS,                     a proposed amendment to the harbor line map associated with 222 Severn Avenue is depicted on the attached Exhibits that show the Proposed Harbor Line Amendment diagrams, and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof.



SECTION I:  BE IT ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that the maps entitled “Annapolis Harbor Lines” at 222 Severn Avenue be amended as shown in the attached Exhibits that are incorporated herein and made a part hereof.


SECTION II:  AND BE IT FURTHER ESTABLISHED AND ORDAINED BY THE ANNAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL that this Ordinance shall take effect from the date of its passage.




UPPERCASE indicates matter added to existing law.

Strikethrough indicates matter stricken from existing law.

Underlining indicates amendments.